GPD has released a software only version of the fix for the screen stuttering issue in the GPD Win 4. The .EXE file IC/EC flash can be found here:

READ THE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED IN THE FILE – both readme.txt and readme_EC.txt – (or follow se1000’s new guide here) – you MUST do both the EC flash ( and IC flash (Win4_LCD_Update.exe) to fix the stuttering. The IC flash will not work until you have done the EC flash.

  • Extract to the root of a USB stick
  • Boot from that USB stick (press F7 while booting to bring up the boot menu)
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to update the EC to V08.00
  • Unplug the USB stick and reboot Windows
  • Fully close MotionAssistant – if it is running, it will stop the flash from succeeding.
  • Run the Win4_LCD_Update.exe as Administrator (REQUIRED – right click, run as Admin) to update the Display IC

If you have any issues, join the Discord and ask in the GPD Win 4 channel, someone will be happy to assist.