Sometime between 7-10 PM CDT 7/13, my Revanced YT started stalling all videos right at 1:10. Nothing but the spinner spinning away. Every video plays without any trouble up to 1:10. Subreddit is dead, don’t know where to look for help. Anyone?

  • @simple
    91 year ago

    It’s happened to me before, this is part of Youtube trying to subtly stop revanced from working. You need to delete the version you have, update the manager, and patch the youtube apk again with the version it recommends (which should be newer). After updating it should work.

    • @rh4c6fOP
      1 year ago

      I’ll try this and report back. Thank you!

      Edit. It worked. Uninstalled the existing YT RV from RV Manager, then downloaded the newest apk and installed it from the file manager. Working fine for now.

    • @SadSadSatellite
      21 year ago

      I was having the same issue, this fixed mine. Thanks for the tip