List of Community Events

Community Event Metadata Template

Perchance Data
// This Part is Required for the Perchance Hub
// This would be where the Event Organizer would change the data to update the Hub
// Remember to indent with two spaces!

// List About the Event to be displayed on the Hub
  title = Title Here
  description = Description Here
  type = Generator Jam
  // Can be "Generator Jam", "Image Challenge", "Character Jam", etc.
    // Can be multiple pictures to randomize the banner image :)
    // Must end with the '.png', '.webp', or any valid image format.
  // strict data formats see:
  start = 07 August 2024 12:00:00 UTC+0000 
  end = 28 August 2024 12:00:00 UTC+0000
  color = linear-gradient(77deg, #386945, #30aa34) // background color of the banners any valid CSS colors
    // Just some rules or constraints for the event
    // can just be one rule or a list of rules
    rule 1
    rule 2

// For Generator Jams with Perchance URL
  // The generator's $metadata is also parsed
  generator-name // must be the 'dashed' generator name
    author = Author // author's name
    type = Text // type of generator, 
    // Valid types: Text, Image, Plugin, Template, Preprocessor, Games, Community/RP, Experiment

// For Image Events
  https://image-url.png // must end with valid image format
    author = Author // author's name
    description = Text // any text

// For AI Character Chat (ACC) Character Jams
  Character Name
    link = // ai-character-chat share link
    avatar = https://image-url.png // or any valid image format
    author = Author
    description = Description

// You can request a format of other events just ask on the forum!
// In your Lemmy Post, you must have the `[Community Event]` in the title.

Example Generator Jam: Beat the Heat

Example Image Challenge: Epic Vehicle

Example Character Jam: Halloween Haunters

I’ve mentioned this on another post, but I’ll create a new thread to hear other opinions.

I’m proposing to have the Community Events on Perchance Hub be hosted on this Lemmy Community.

To accomplish this, the Forms tab on the Perchance Hub would be changed to Events tab. It would host the Event posts from this community.

That is, anyone can post an Event thread here and it would be mirrored on the Perchance Hub.

Technical Notes: The posts here would be retrieved (via the Lemmy API) and the posts would be filtered to events only. The Event posts will then be parsed and neatly displayed on the Perchance Hub. This would mean that the posts would have a template to follow.

This is so that anyone is welcome to create Events and those Event makers would be the ones who will manage their own events (no longer needing to wait the Perchance Hub update).

This way, there could be different events running, managed by different people, with different topics, event types, and limitations/rules and to update the details on the Perchance Hub, the event creators can just edit the event posts and it would reflect on the Hub.

Not yet sure about what details would be on the Perchance Hub. But something like @BluePower’s Upcoming Events Page might be a good format/structure to remix with (although the comments plugin on each event on Perchance Hub might not be used since the Event Post already have a comments/thread to talk with).

Technical Notes: The mirrored details can probably include a cover image, ability for the creators to change the colors on the Hub, specify if it is an ‘image’ event, ‘generator/page’ based event, etc., so the formatting on the Hub would be nice.

In Summary:

  • Community Events will be hosted in
  • Events are now hosted/managed by Event Creators
    • The posts would have a (somewhat strict) template to nicely structure them on the mirror on the Perchance Hub.
    • Events can simultaneously ran by different people, with different topics, event types, limitations or rules.
    • Events can be updated by the Event Creator
  • Event Details and Content / Template Format is not yet decided
  • Format in the Perchance Hub is not yet designed.

Additional Notes:

  • With this, I might remove the ‘announcement modal’ on the hub upon first visit (or when there is update to it) to remove the clutter.
  • Might also implement a dark mode to the Hub. (will require quite an overhaul on the hub page)
  • Might dynamically add the Event’s banner on the Home Page for each event (with the most recent and about to end event on the top).
  • I currently do not have a stable internet so these changes might take a while to implement xD
  • alloM
    210 months ago

    definite yes. I will definitely be an event creator. will think on this and respond feedback and what i think would be ideal for the at least 3 events i know of i would do after dreaming on it since that should be a good swath of types of events that will happen. thank you, great upgrade imo

  • BluePowerM
    10 months ago

    Woah you mentioned my Power Generator Manager Preview page for that Events section. I’m still experimenting with that feature, but along with its introduction in my next big update of my hub page, that feature will be consistently improved throughout small via-experiment modifications and further updates as I’ll start to host some of my events there, including the Silent Days. So feedbacks on that is always appreciated! 😉

  • alloM
    110 months ago

    I don’t even know if this is a real suggestion because I haven’t considered how you’ve set up the page yet. I will say tho, before seeing the Events page, I envisioned something like a Calender with clear Day we are on, Start dates, and end Dates.

    I guess the suggestion would be have that in addition to what you currently have which is like a history of all events?

    • VioneTOPM
      10 months ago

      Ah, I didn’t think of the Calendar idea. In my current knowledge, I don’t know how to implement it, but it is a possible good format for it.

      As for the history of events, all event posts here would also be retrieved and previous events will still be displayed on the page.

      I’ve finished creating all previous events on the hub as a post here, so all previous events are accessible there.

  • alloM
    110 months ago

    suggestion: on the homepage where it shows events, have the go to event option next to the go to post option :)

    • VioneTOPM
      10 months ago

      EDIT @[email protected] it has now been implemented! You can now click ‘Go to Event’ on the Home banners and it would redirect to the Event tab and on the Event Details!

      The problem with that is: the events on the Events tab is in an iframe and I don’t think we can link a button from the main page then access an item in the iframe. If you have any solutions for this let me know and I’ll look into it.