You may have noticed that in recent weeks, the Biden administration has been rolling out a hell of a lot of new regulations. Earlier this month it was big student loan reforms and a massive improvement in how public lands are managed, then this week we had better pay and working conditions for working Americans, minimum staffing ratios for nursing homes, and even improved service on airlines.

That’s not only because it’s an election year, though Joe & Kamala certainly do like to point out that where the Other Guy rages (and wants to raise inflation!) they’ve been busy making Americans’ lives better. But the bigger reason is that the administration wants to get new rules finalized prior to May, to keep them from being tossed out in the next Congress via the Congressional Review Act, which Donald Trump and his cronies used to reverse a bunch of Barack Obama’s environmental regulations.

. . . The requirement that coal plants find a way to eliminate 90 percent of their emissions by 2032 effectively accelerates the end of coal for power generation, which was inevitable anyway. Roughly 70 percent of US coal plants have already closed, and last year, coal generated only 16 percent of electric power, a new record low. In addition to the emissions rule, three other final rules also impose strict new limits on mercury, coal ash, and pollution of wastewater, to put an end to the environmental degradation caused by coal.

. . . The other option, obviously, would be for utilities to meet coming demand with renewables, as administration officials pointed out when previewing the new rule. Thanks to the IRA’s hundreds of billions of dollars in incentives, carbon-free power generation, including battery storage, already beats the cost of building new gas plants. Going forward, the administration is confident renewables will be the far more cost-effective and reliable way to meet increasing demand by 2032, when the emissions limits fully kick in.

  • @[email protected]
    11011 months ago

    This is so much better than all the posts shaming voters for not wanting to vote for Biden.

    Biden is a far cry from the President that I want, but it’s ignorant to claim he hasn’t been a hell of a lot better than Trump, or even Obama and Clinton. After 50+ years of really shitty Presidents and an even worse Congress, Biden is arguably the best we’ve had. It’s entirely possible to promote Biden with honest accounting without trying to silence the voices saying the Democrats must do better.

    That said, of the Democrats try to force Harris on us without an actual primary in 2024, then it’s time to repeat the 1968 national convention. Our FPTP system means that primaries are effectively the only real democracy we get, and the way they are run by the DNC (and RNC) is abysmal.

    • HubertManne
      3511 months ago

      I mean he has been quite a bit better than any president I have experienced in office but it is sad that the bar is so low.

      • @Eldritch
        711 months ago

        This is the correct response. He’s been world’s better than expected on many things. But between those expectations and Republicans that bar was ridiculously low.

        There are many things I wish biden and Democrats would do. But complaint wise Biden’s kid gloves and undeservedly diplomatic tone with Israel is the biggest. Though completely expected given the century of propaganda and enabling of such a dangerous regime over there. It doesn’t all fall on biden. But he still wrong for his part.

        • HubertManne
          111 months ago

          oh yeah but when I say the bar is ridiculously low I mean like taking into account all the presidents I have had experience with. Im like old and to have biden be the best to me is sorta sad. previously I felt the same way with obama and the current pope. I feel like there should be a sign saying you must be at least this competent to be president with their picture and most of the presidents would then be disqualified. Like this is the crappiest you can be to hold the office. instead (at least for me) they are the best. Im not even comparing to trump now who is so opposite end of the spectrum and did the monumental achievement of making bush junior not seem so bad (yes yes. I know thats debatable as his random crazy sellout stupid is hard to measure against calculating power for us by which im talking channey of course).

    • @MegaUltraChicken
      1211 months ago

      without trying to silence the voices saying the Democrats must do better

      I genuinely don’t understand where this comes from. I haven’t seen a single serious person argue that we shouldn’t criticize the Biden administration or the Democrats. What does get pushback is the idea that we shouldn’t vote for them in November. When someone is suggesting the solution to the very real issues the Democratic Party has is to enable the GOP and give them more power they absolutely should get chastised.

      Agreed on everything else though. If everyone who was upset about Biden actually got involved and voted in the primaries it would be much easier to get representation that actually serves our needs. The DNC only has so much control.

      • @[email protected]
        911 months ago

        There are several places it comes from.

        First, there has been a meme campaign about Biden being better than Trump that seems to go out of it’s way to “call out” those of us who are fed up with the behavior of the Democratic establishment (DE). They imply we are fools who don’t comprehend how bad Trump is. The people those memes are directed at don’t really exist. They are a myth put out by the DE to sideline progressives. There has also been a recent wave of right wing bots that perpetuate the myth to further drive the wedge between progressives and the DE. Those bots aren’t going to be convinced, and progressives don’t need to be.

        The second is that it is nearly impossible to criticize the DE without getting lectured about how much worse Trump is. Being a tiny bit better than fascist is apparently enough for Democrats privileged enough to not suffer under even Democratic policies. I think this video shows a great example. I try to always mention that Republicans are worse when criticizing Democrats, but that rarely makes a difference.

        The third place is from old timers like me who have watched Democrats coddle fascism ever since Reagan. What we are living through now didn’t start with Trump, and it wasn’t just the fault of Republicans. Many of us have been fighting Democratic mediocrity since before most Americans ever heard of Bernie Sanders. The DE is routinely snide and dismissive of the left, even as they fail to grasp the Republican threat. They say the country wants centrists, but run to the left with their rhetoric before every election. In that context, both of the previously mentioned items tend to strike a nerve.

        • @Cryophilia
          211 months ago

          The second is that it is nearly impossible to criticize the DE without getting lectured about how much worse Trump is.

          Maybe if it was actually believable, but there’s so much propaganda now that unless you repeatedly and proactively affirm that people should vote for Biden, I’ll assume that any criticism is just more right wing attempts at voter suppression.

          If Biden wins the election, then we can have a lot more open criticism of Democratic policies because the bots, trolls, and agents provacateur will go away.

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            Has it occurred to you that making that assumption could also result in suppressed voter enthusiasm? Put yourself in the head of a genuine lefty who’s fed up with Democratic shenanigans. What messaging might keep you in the fold, and what will drive you away?

            Something else to keep in mind is that it’s not just voting that we’re talking about. Democrats need volunteers, donations, and word of mouth. Broad enthusiasm is critical for all of that. Who wants to volunteer for a movement that denies them a voice?

            For decades now, every election has been called the most critical of our lives, and sadly it’s been pretty consistently true. We have elections every two years. Criticism in the first year is called unfair because they just took office. Criticism on the second year is always called disloyalty in a critical election year. Disinformation is only going to be getting worse, so waiting for that to end is not viable.

            • @Cryophilia
              -111 months ago

              Put yourself in the head of a genuine lefty who’s fed up with Democratic shenanigans.


              Words words words words

              I’m sorry, I got bored. Can you make that into a tiktok video for easier consumption?

              • @[email protected]
                210 months ago

                I’ve really got to stop being optimistic about devout Democrats. It really is the party of James Carville and Hillary Clinton - ignorant, elitist, and tone deaf until the end of time.

                • @Cryophilia
                  010 months ago

                  LOCK HER UP

                  I mean uh…sorry, that just came out. I meant um…something something Bernie something something DNC?

                  • Totally A Real Leftist And Not A GOP Plant
        • @pjwestin
          611 months ago

          Clinton was very invested in creating Israelis-Palestinian peace, I don’t think he would have been as passive on the Palestinian death toll as Biden was at the beginning of the conflict. Obama was willing to go up against Netanyahu when he wanted something (like the Iran Nuclear Deal), so I think it’s likely he would have also had a stronger response to the Israeli genocide, as long as it was politically expedient for him. On most issues, I think Biden has actually been better than the (admittedly very low) expectations I have for the Democratic party, but I think he’s actually worse than his party’s predecessors on Israel.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          Plus, both Obama and Clinton would have done the same shit with Israel. Both are party line progressives and we see where the party line has been.

          That’s just not true. Biden is the most rabidly pro-Israel president we’ve ever had – since before Reagan for sure.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            He’s actually been tougher on Israel than any US president since Reagan. That’s not saying much, but it’s sadly true. He has been against the move into Gaza from the start, and has used a lot of diplomatic pressure (though not enough by my estimation). His administration is the only reason Rafah doesn’t already look like the rest of Gaza. The idea that the US could yank Israel’s leash and stop the invasion of Gaza in it’s tracks is ignorant.

            All the ranting people did to get a ceasefire from the UN was ill-conceved because when they “won” the ceasefire was issued and summarily ignored. (Like anyone familiar with foreign policy knew it would be). What the Biden administration has been working towards is a peace, not a ceasefire, and that requires sustained involvement, not removing US influence entirely to make a point.

            There are signals from both sides and other nations in the region that peace might actually be achieved soon, and it has been “Genocide Joe” working on it all along while the virtue signalling squad lost their shit.

            • @[email protected]
              411 months ago

              You can’t actually believe that. Biden refused to publically criticize Israel until February, four months into the genocide, when he said Israel’s actions were “over the top.” And even then, the flow of weapons has yet to even slow. Even Ronald Reagan withheld weapons from Israel when they got out of line.

              • @[email protected]
                211 months ago

                Biden refused to publically criticize Israel until February, four months into the genocide,

                The President coming out to criticize a close ally is never going to be the first step in that direction. That’s not how foreign policy works.

                And even then, the flow of weapons has yet to even slow.

                Incorrect. Weapons shipments were delayed and are still being delayed. The deals went forward, but delays were introduced as some of the very first signals to Israel.

                Even Ronald Reagan withheld weapons from Israel when they got out of line.

                Exactly why I said “since Reagan”. Biden has at least threatened to do so, which is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan.

                My position isn’t that the Biden administration has done everything right, but that the narrative where they have done nothing but defend Israel is bunk. The general strategy of slowly turning up the heat is the best way to maximize US influence by my estimation, but I think the dial has been turned way too slowly.

                Foreign policy is way more complicated than most people think. There is an entire region that has to be considered over decades, not just the issue catching people’s attention at the moment. As bad as things are in Gaza, they could be worse, and they could be far more widespread. If Israel goes to war with any of their rivals, all pretense of restraint in Gaza will end immediately.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  311 months ago

                  Weapons shipments were delayed and are still being delayed. The deals went forward, but delays were introduced as some of the very first signals to Israel.

                  Got a source for that?

            • @Ensign_Crab
              111 months ago

              virtue signalling

              It’s so neat watching Democrats use Republican smears like this.

              • @[email protected]
                211 months ago

                I think putting the appearance of virtue ahead of actual virtue is a problem, no matter who does it. Anyways, the entire right wing suit of bad ideas is almost entirely virtue signalling.

              • @Cryophilia
                111 months ago

                We invented that phrase, Republicans just stole it and tried to use it (badly). They can’t come up with anything new. Even The Cheeto’s favorite phrase “witch hunt” was stolen from Democrats criticizing the Republican attacks on the Clintons.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  211 months ago

                  The phrase is much older than the Clintons’ problems with Republicans. Allusions to Salem are at least as old as McCarthyism.

      • @ours
        411 months ago

        Obama preferred to bomb civilians directly rather than by proxy (CIA drone assassination program).

        Still, all far better than Trump. Like Trump wouldn’t have bent over Israel pressure himself.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          You’re right, it would’ve been the same with Trump. I would never vote for him either.

          • @ours
            211 months ago

            The 2 party system sucks balls.

  • @[email protected]
    1111 months ago

    While I am glad for actions, any actions, towards reducing fossil fuel emissions in the US, I really which they weren’t coupled with record high oil production and export.

    The whole robbing Peter to pay Paul situation and all.

  • @DrunkEngineer
    10 months ago

    This new policy will definitely get overturned by the Supreme Court. As such, it is a stupid election-year gimmick.

  • @hark
    011 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @mlg
    -1211 months ago

    Biden’s entire stance on climate change went out the window when his administration started chasing China in a trade war over cheap eco technology like batteries and solar panels because we obviously can’t save the planet without making billions for american megacorps first.

    China’s overproduction of clean energy goods needs to be mitigated, Yellen says

    Also trying to do the same national rail program as Obama which went nowhere because surprise surprise the rail industry in the USA is also monopolized and unregulated. Can’t utilize that sweet anti trust law when it actually matters.

    None of these changes qualify as reforms, they’re just half assed pork barrel projects for election year.

    • @Cryophilia
      811 months ago

      Literally nothing is ever good enough rofl

      Joe Biden could personally cure cancer and you fucks would complain that he hasn’t cured influenza too.

      • @mlg
        511 months ago

        If you wanna make that type of comparison, Joe Biden is offering a crappy pain reliever for a million dollars a bottle, giving federal funds to a random healthcare CEO, and banning import medicine that can actually cure cancer. But don’t worry because that pain reliever is “progress” and is much better than none at all.

        Why the hell would I be complaining if any of these initiatives actually made significant changes in our system?

        My exact complaint is that it’s nothing but election shilling, meaning he hasn’t met the minimum standard of good enough.

        Good enough would have been announcing these plans 3 years ago so his administration could actually follow through. Not handing morbillions to the rail industry expecting something to magically happen, especially after killing their union strike.

        • @Cryophilia
          -211 months ago

          Blah blah lies blah

          I would ask how Trump’s dick tastes but it’s probably so small you don’t even notice it in your mouth

  • @Maggoty
    -1211 months ago

    Oh great. Another article that throws a bunch of stuff at the wall to make Biden look better than he is. Some of which are straight up lies. Student loan debt relief is not reform. A new college student today is still taking out loans and is still expected to pay them without any possibility of discharging them in a routine process. To say future borrowers must hope a future president gives them a financial pardon is not a fucking reform.

    This is not the first time the BLM has done conservancy and restoration. The leases are new but this makes it sound like they dealt in nothing but oil leases before this and that’s not true.

    Non Competes is a great thing but it needs to be banned by law. We watched Trump tear through policies in novel ways and it’s likely there just won’t be any enforcement by the next Republican president. We need a law like other labor laws that allows workers to take civil action on their own with stiff penalties. But this is also a mischaracterization. Better pay and working conditions are only indirectly linked to competition. Fast food employees are still facing the same shit management and shit pay no matter which company they work for. It was worded this way to push back on his negative Union actions. But Unions don’t forget.

    Nursing home staffing ratios is cool but I can’t help but wonder if it’s a Presidential decision? This sounds like something out of the mid-level of HHS?

    Airline ticket price clarity definitely doesn’t belong on this list. The last one might have been fluff, this one is definitely fluff.

    Stop blowing smoke up my ass. The people who vote blue aren’t dumb and articles like this just make it worse.

    • @Tricky
      511 months ago

      So… It sounds like you’re in favour of free-education-for-all?

      The sad part is, I can’t tell whether you are extreme-right or far-left. That’s how weird US politics is today.

  • @TheDemonBuer
    -2111 months ago

    Joe Biden is going to singlehandedly save billions of lives. Trillions, even. He is literally a savior, a messiah.

    • @swag_money
      1811 months ago

      too far. he’s still an american president.

      • @TheDemonBuer
        11 months ago

        Too far? Not far enough. Biden is not only the greatest American president, he’s the greatest ruler/leader to ever live. The future is only possible because of him and his wisdom and virtue. By singlehandedly solving the climate crisis, he has saved us and countless future generations. He’s basically a god.