How’s life treating you? Do you need support? We are here for each other!

  • @ShunkW
    42 months ago

    I have been on an emotional roller coaster. I found out I don’t have cancer this week. But now I don’t have an excuse for why I keep drinking all the time. And my friends are gonna start giving me shit about drinking all the time again soon. And that’s gonna suck.

    • ZerlynaM
      22 months ago

      Yay for not cancer!!! When you are ready, head over to c/stopdrinking, we have a 24 hour Checkin to stay sober… one day at a time. Start hour by hour. I had to do the same.

      • @ShunkW
        32 months ago

        I’ve checked in a lot on there and vented lol. My history will show my comments. I try not to rant when I’m not sober though

        • ZerlynaM
          12 months ago

          Great!! ❤️

      • @ShunkW
        32 months ago

        I’m gonna try. But I’m broke and getting to the very, very few meetings here in my city take about 90 minutes each way by bus.

        • @ickplantOPM
          12 months ago

          Hey, congrats on not having cancer! And on trying to better yourself by not drinking. It’s a really tough journey, one I personally struggled with. Honestly, it’s scary to take even the smallest step. You’re brave for trying.

          SMART recovery should have online meetings - maybe those would fit you? They really try to work with you.

          You can also check out online addiction meetings on HeyPeers - it’s like a directory where various groups post their meetings.

          If you identify as female, I’ll be happy to share info about a bipolar women’s circle - while it’s not about sobriety, it’s a nice way to get support.

          In other words, there is help out there if you are ready to accept it. Hugs!