I have been using brave on endeavouros. But because of the shitty updates only about crypto wallets and brave ads I decided to switch to librewolf.

First thing I tried was extensions but I couldn’t manage to export cookies(there were extensions to export them site by site but not all).

So I found brave cookies on ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/ directory. There was a Cookies named sqlite3 file, I convert it to json file.

Then I tried to use Cookie Quick Manager by Ysard but when I tried to import it from json file(also tried sqlite file) it just didn’t work(nothing happened). And I couldnt find an alternative method to import.

So finally I decided to find the directory where librewolf stores the cookies to put the cookies by hand(I could convert it to whatever the file format librewolf using to store cookies) but I couldn’t.

How can I import cookies from brave to librewolf?

Where does librewolf store cookies?

Note: I used AUR/yay to install the librewolf.

  • brawnybunkbedbuddy
    12 years ago

    I’d advice just starting anew on LibreWolf because what you’re trying to do just asks itself for issues. But for sake of your goals - make sure LibreWolf is set to remember data between sessions in Privacy & Security