The early days of downloading were a fun time

  • @terminhell
    2111 months ago

    Hi-res pic loading about as fast as you could print them back then XD

      • @WarlockLawyer
        210 months ago

        Isn’t that actually the name of a different woman in the videos that ended up getting mixed up when shared

        • @Leviathan
          410 months ago

          Nah a lot of people thought her name was Heather Brooke because Heather and a girl named Brooke were in a video and some early internet user named the bootleg video Heather Brooke. Many people, including this reporter, were under the mistaken impression that that was her name. Her actual name is Heather Harmon.

          • @WarlockLawyer
            410 months ago

            Thank you. I knew there was something like that but couldn’t remember the exact names of each person. Also what the hell? Why is this what I care about remembering.

            • @Leviathan
              310 months ago

              I don’t know. I can’t remember what I had for dinner yesterday but I can remember the mousetrap jingle word for word.

              Life’s funny that way.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          I think this ladies name was wifey or something like that. Amateur wasn’t my thing back then but I recall it being part of the name.

    • @Throw_away_migrator
      1110 months ago

      Not sure what it says about me that I immediately knew who she was/is

  • @200ok
    1211 months ago

    Does anyone remember how much midi ringtones used to cost?

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      Naw, but I do remember $.10 per text message, and my parents about killed me when they saw a $400 phone bill when I was 14

      • @200ok
        310 months ago

        I wish I was that cool back then 😂

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          lol the girl I thought I was “in love with” wanted to text all day long and that was a bad choice for a 14 year old

          • @200ok
            210 months ago

            Sounds like you listened to her needs and cared about her feelings 🥹

  • Ghostalmedia
    11 months ago

    I used to download a lot of stuff from a nice Spanish man named War̃ez.

  • @FluorideMind
    710 months ago

    I lost all my mined Bitcoin in 2013 because my niece downloaded “free_robux.exe”

  • @platypus_plumba
    10 months ago

    Still remember my father’s face when he realized I was sharing all his personal documents with Limewire.

    My internet was so slow that I was tweaking all the settings and doing pattern analysis on bandwidth traffic with nonsense tweaks. So I probably tweaked that setting and felt the internet was 10kbps faster.

    I also recall placing the modem under a blanket because I thought the internet was faster when the modem was warmer. My father’s face when he saw the modem had melted… and the flabbergasted repair technicians theorizing that our house was probably hit by a thunder and it caught fire somehow. Little did they know.

    I was just a desperate kid willing to try anything to be able to download 1 song per day.

  • @Why9
    410 months ago

    I tried to download a music video on limewire once. I was pretty computer illiterate back then and around 13 years old at the time when a friend at school showed me how to download things.

    That music video turned out to be a woman being murdered at point blank range. It was ~5 seconds of my life but that video has never left my mind. It was far too early for video editing and far too ‘amateur’ to be a movie production. The way she begged for the guy to stop before he pulled the trigger, it was definitely real.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Had a similar experience, but it was a video of a guy who got run over by a truck, or in more accurate terms…smushed into its radiator. There was not a lot left that could be recognized as a normal human body, but he was still alive and crying for help.

      I’ll also never forget that, fucking traumatizing thing. I believe the Nokia phone camera quality which was usual back then made it even worse, because there were missing details you couldn’t see, only imagine.