Yet again, CenturyLink failed to fix a long outage until Ars emailed the company.

  • @pivot_root
    95 months ago

    Internet Lackof Service Providers

  • Rentlar
    65 months ago

    Yeah telecoms are garbage, common story.

    Neat thing is I wonder if Century Link supports Pulse Dialing for rotary phones still? Where the connection was intermittently connected and disconnected, it might have randomly been calling 411 and 911 because of that.

  • @pdxfed
    35 months ago

    It’s just a relief that competition is so healthy I’m the market, anti-consumer practices like denying a paid service and not fixing it because you know you don’t have a regulator, are just forced out of businesses.

    Lost internet from a different ISP for a week in Jan, escalated through every channel possible including local, state, fcc, Cfpb, DOJ consumer division, PUC…in the end the company fixed it exactly when they wanted, which took 5 minutes. Internet is more important than water in 2024, it can’t be optional to provide.

    Net neutrality is nice, but we also need service regulation with minimum standards. Presidential election this year will be huge to determine if FCC immediately defended by Trump or allowed to continue pushing back against telecom lobby