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  • MHPengwingz
    61 month ago

    Chelsea Ladies bottled it ✌🏼

  • @OlPatchy2Eyes
    61 month ago

    I don’t want Ramsdale to go to Chelsea.

    • Nuggsy
      41 month ago

      Neither… Is there a rumour floating around?

        • @ThePowerOfGeek
          330 days ago

          Why the fuck are they looking for another keeper? Their current one did a pretty good job against us recently. Yes, he shipped five goals, but only because a) we are immense, and b) the defense in front of him was an absolute joke. He actually made some really good saves to prevent us going into double digits.

          Chelsea should focus on all the other weak points they have in outfield positions. But of course they won’t because they are Chelsea. I hope he doesn’t go there either. Partly because well, it’s Chelsea. And partly because I don’t think he’ll do well there. Ramsdale needs a solid defense in front of him to shine. You put a bunch of headless clowns there and he will become incredibly inconsistent and his confidence will evaporate.

          • Nuggsy
            230 days ago

            I like the idea that either we just straight up say no, or we entertain the idea and Rammers straight up says no.

            But, he’s looking for regular football, as he should, and I cant blame him of he does decide Chelsea is his destination. As indicated, they’re in such shambles, I think it’s a terrible idea and could be worse for his career

  • @sensiblepuffin
    429 days ago

    So something that I’ve not heard many people talking about recently is the fact that City are (correctly) trying to run up the scoreline in recent matches. I think Pep knows there’s a good chance that a fluke draw/loss is incoming, and that they are trying to play it safe by making sure their GD is on par with ours. To that end, we really need to blast Bournemouth away. None of these Reiss Nelson last minute scenes, I want 5-0 by half time.

  • @AstrealixM
    330 days ago

    ffs the one time we want spurs to win cuz then they’ll have a fight for top 4

    • @sensiblepuffin
      330 days ago

      Imagine they still beat City even though top 4 is off the table. The scenes.

    • @ThePowerOfGeek
      30 days ago

      The fact that Chelsea won made me laugh. I would personally hope for a localized meteor strike. But if I had to pick one to win it would have been Chelsea just for the lols.

      We thrashed Chelsea just a couple of weeks ago. Then the spuds collapse when faced with that mediocre squad. Those lilywhite chicken fuckers really are the ultimate bottlejobs.

      • @sensiblepuffin
        329 days ago

        The gall of those fuckers to say that the refs handed us that win, too. It wasn’t the prettiest by any means, but what the fuck else can you expect when your opposition are the equivalent of a WW2 Zero?

  • @ThePowerOfGeek
    230 days ago

    Didn’t realize until now that Keir Starmer is a gooner.