• @PopcornPrincess
    742 months ago

    “Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses”

    • @0110010001100010
      362 months ago

      I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that ven diagram is damn close to a circle…

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      162 months ago

      I think all white cops are some degree of white supremacists.

      • @surewhynotlem
        172 months ago

        All cops. Their job is literally to uphold a set of laws that favor white people.

        • Transporter Room 3
          132 months ago

          Tangentially related, the other day a coworker was whining about how unfair life was, and how he, as a straight white male, faces more discrimination on a daily basis than anyone else in America.

          I just kind of stared at him silently until he stopped talking.

          When he started going on about how the mean old IRS took SO MUCH of his business sale and MADE HIM pay his employees some of it “like they deserve any of it” and how he shouldnt have to work another day in his life but has to because all his millions got stolen by the gubment

        • teft
          102 months ago

          No, they uphold laws for rich people. The racism helps with keeping them focused on a culture war instead of them realizing the rich people are fucking over the cops as much as they are the poors.

          • @surewhynotlem
            12 months ago

            The way the laws are enforced targets black people more often than white. All of them poor, of course. But it’s racism on top of classism.

        • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
          12 months ago

          Or hoping to be seen as “one of the good ones.” It’s narcissistic self-preservation by attaching themselves to the very people who would be oppressing them. Like joining a prison gang to avoid getting murdered, but then you need to actually do gang shit to stay in and keep your protection.

    • @force
      42 months ago

      my RATM reference alarms are going off

        • @lennybird
          2 months ago

          Bibi says the same for Gaza.

          Putin says the same about leveling civilian centers, too.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          No it wasn’t. Neither was Fukushima or Nagasaki. All of them war crimes. The Nuremberg trials were justified.

          • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
            2 months ago

            Neither was Fukushima or Nagasaki. All of them war crimes.

            Blud really just confused Fukushima and Hiroshima

          • @captainlezbian
            2 months ago

            Were we supposed to negotiate with them further? We should’ve avoided firebombs on wooden cities like Dresden and Tokyo, but we were in the business of stopping fascism. Every dead civilian was the fault of the fascists.

            You don’t get the Nuremberg trials without allied bombing campaigns, just expansions of the Nuremberg laws.

            And I assume you have atrocious opinions on the Spanish civil war and 1930s German street fights.

          • @Shard
            32 months ago

            I’m pretty sure Fukushima was their own damn fault with poorly designed back up generator layouts and a seawall that was too low…

  • @[email protected]
    202 months ago

    I mean asking for a permit is probably gonna end up nowhere, police usually issue those for protests and they’re definitely gonna look the other way on white supremacists getting them.

    • @xantoxis
      282 months ago

      “Whaddya think, I’m gonna deny a permit to myself??”

      • some cop
    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      112 months ago

      That’s the joke.

      The News has no problem doing thousands of interviews with peaceful protesters.

  • @lath
    52 months ago

    Ah, to be old enough to remember the neonazi white supremacist protests when reporters asked them if they had a permit, if they planned on being peaceful and if they were going to be yelling racial and ethnic slurs in a respectful way. Then some of the neonazi protesters didn’t do the last part and were punched in the face.

    After that, the neonazis stopped having protests, quietly entered politics, lobbied the right people and now here we are today. Funny how life turns out…

  • @rsuri
    -62 months ago

    Well that would be silly because everyone (well, not serving as president at the time anyway) acknowledges white nationalist protesters are ridiculous and abhorrent and knows that they have no intention of being peaceful and respectful. So the argument is what exactly? That Palestinian protesters are being treated differently by the media? Yeah, they should be.

    • @xantoxis
      252 months ago

      Wow, you took something that wasn’t even about antisemitism and you made her the bad guy in a story you made up in your head about what she was really saying. Truly next-level strawman building, you should enter a contest

        • @colforge
          162 months ago

          We just see you punching at straw…

        • @Dkarma
          32 months ago

          Yeah I see exactly what you mean.

          You’re saying that unless we redirect this conversation to a discussion of anti semitism that makes us anti semites.

          You need help, but not cuz you’re Jewish (assumably).

  • MxM111
    2 months ago

    Are you saying that reporters in US give a pass to whit nationalists marches?? Which US you live in? The press usually is very critical of those, and usually is supportive of the marches on the left. Even BLM protests ending up in looting were much less frowned upon than on white nationalist marches.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Even when they attack and murder people., the news hardly condemns them.

      • MxM111
        02 months ago

        We truly live in different worlds. Press was always very critical about those.