Quoting a guy, who is resposible for the shitshow, that is current finacal system. Fucking perfect.
How is Keynes responsible?
Only his ideas. Not him.
The quote is useless, could have easily said Communism instead of Capitalism.
Jesus Christ, commie brain rot.
What has sucking billionaire dick ever gotten you? Looking for real answers, apart from billionaire cum.
Well if you want to go completely on a tangent…
A 2400sq ft home, an outback for my wife and kid, a nice PC Xboxes and pst as well as the ability to afford any games I want, and my friends and I take off 4 times a year to race in lemons 24 hours with our 97 Saturn SW2 and 87 bmw 325. I’ve saved up about 1.25M in retirement and plan on stopping in about 7 years to retire hopefully by late 40s. I gained all that working, realistically 35 hours a week with 12 federal holidays and 25 days PTO a year.
Does that answer your question sufficiently?
Capitalism needs guardrails and safety nets. It has a far better track record than Communism though 🤣.
O man I miss the 24 hours of lemons. Did it like 13 years ago and it was a blast. Single and so where all my crew mates. Totally want to start up again though.
Still an absolute blast!
Yea it was so damn fun, no one took it seriously then. No sponsorship style racing and who has a bigger wallet, just pure poor builds having a ton of fun.