• Zier
    310 months ago

    The Scooby-Doo Garage, solving mysteries one car at a time. Ruh-Roh

  • @Anticorp
    210 months ago

    Is there ever a legitimate reason to get under a bug like that? I’m pretty sure the entire engine is accessible through the little trunk opening.

    • Rhaedas
      310 months ago

      Oil change, had to drop the round metal filter with I think 6 nuts. Don’t forget to get a new gasket. Valve clearance adjustment, a constant regular thing with these. Not hard, just tedious and sometimes the spring holding each valve cover on could be a pain to pop loose. Transmission level check (that was fun). I loved my Beetles, learned a lot about car maintenance (by necessity lol) but I wouldn’t have another at my age now.

    • @cly
      210 months ago

      They had a ridiculous accelerator cable similar to a bicycle brake cable that often broke. I’m pretty sure I’ve been in that position routing a replacement to the engine.