Why are they bombing the courtyard?
Lol even in their propaganda they missed
They hate that coffee stand.
You misunderstood - that’s its wingman. They are celebrating 50% reaching the target
Because they were lucky to even hit that close.
They hate Taco Bell
Used to be a hotdog stand how times have changed.
nah the taco bell is underground for extra security. coffee shop / hot dog stand is still there. they still burn the coffee, too, as is tradition
Haven’t you played Legend of Zelda? That’s the spot you drop a bomb to reveal the secret passage
I mean it’s called Ground Zero for a reason…
Edit: just occured to me that this is a great way for OSINT actors to determine who is actually US military. Carry on.
Ummm… crayon yum. Definitely marine here. Now I’m going to go drive off in my 33% interest dodge, drink some beers and have sex with a woman who just wants armed forces benefits.
Simper Fry
a woman who just wants armed forces benefits
My Navy buddy used to refer to them (including his wife at the time) as a ‘dependapotamus’
Yup, heard that one.
None of them are exactly pleasant
Congrats on the sex
Aww, she said the same thing
Shit… Is there a justbootthings on Lemmy?
Good question- here 9 months and still figuring it all out.
I mean, this is pretty close
JBT and NCD are like cousins
Do you mean to say that only US military personnel know there’s a courtyard in the middle of the Pentagon? I thought that was widely known.
Yeah… Also I’d bet like 90+% of people in the service have never even seen the pentagon in person because they have no reason to go there.
I think many of us here are current or former military
True. Yours truly included. Just not part of the military you’re thinking of.
For fred og frihet!
for peace or french fries?
For the curious, the phrase on there, “Победа всегда за нами!” (Pobeda vsegda za nami) means “Victory is always ours!”. The literal translation is victory always for us, but that sounds weird in English.
Curious that they didn’t use a Latin Z in place of the з that’s in their normal alphabet.
They proclaim as they bomb the poor innocent coffee shop.
because z is easier to paint? just need 3 stripes and boom marked
they somehow regularly manage to screw up even sth as simple as that though lol
Why are they including their invasion of Ukraine, Napoleon’s Russian invasion AND the period of Mongol dominance over the Rus? Is Putin claiming the Mongolian conquest of Kievan Rus as a military accomplishment of Russia?
It’s all “the West is coming for us” messaging with the dates they picked, they don’t care about the details.
“the West is coming for us” … they don’t care about the details.
Surely they at least care about the correct direction.
East =/= West.
The great horde were allied with Lithuania when they lost in 1480.
idk I don’t disagree, their messaging is as shit as everything else that comes from them as of late
My understanding is that it all loops back around anyway
It’s all turtles.
So they admit they started this in 2014?
victory always
Where are the dates of ww1?
Where are they?!
Or the polish soviet war, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? The Russo Japanese war? The Russo British Crimea wars?
LOL…Victory is with us! Fuck the Muscovites and the Pentagon is still standing.
Ya missed ya dingus
By hitting bullseye ojnthe one place where you shouldn’t
I would love to watch them try. Can that poor tugboat even drag the floating horror show that is their carrier across the atlantic?
Now Imagine how they would shit themselves if they saw a poster with an F-35 that’s bombing the Kremlin.