Two of my greenhouse plants decided to start waving their junk around, they’re now enjoying new life as compost. Here’s the other one:

That leaves 4 in the greenhouse and 1 in the tent inside 🤞

  • @SchmidtGenetics
    41 month ago

    Dang, regular seeds or bad Feminized?

    They cost more, but I stick to feminized to try to avoid it. I’ve only had 2 throw balls so far, but they were questionable genetics already.

    • @LeanFemursOP
      71 month ago

      I have no idea, these were random seeds collected from various strains from dispensaries over a few years. Can’t complain too much about free!

      • @SchmidtGenetics
        1 month ago

        Haha, bag seeds are a fun gamble, usually a result of a herm so more prone to balls throwing, but you’re damn right about free. I’ve had some fire from one before. They are technically feminized for the most part iirc.

  • BizzleM
    31 month ago

    I take a pretty laissez faire attitude toward intersex plants indoors which gets me @ed with surprising frequency, I understand that I should not tolerate them at all when growing outdoors so I don’t seed someone else’s crop?

    • @LeanFemursOP
      330 days ago

      @ed with surprising frequency

      “@ed”? This is new to me, what do you mean?

      should not tolerate them at all when growing outdoors so I don’t seed someone else’s crop?

      That’s my personal take yeah, my nearest downwind neighbor is a ranch about a mile away and I don’t think they’re growing but you never know.

      My neighbor went full-on intentional seed factory in his gh over the winter, I guess that was low-risk though.

      • BizzleM
        530 days ago

        I think it comes from Twitter. “Don’t @ me”, like don’t talk shit. For instance “@Bizzle you’re about to fuck your whole crop if you leave that shit on there bro don’t do it”

        I think that’s probably the most respectful, but in honesty I doubt anyone else in my whole town is growing. It’s legal here but still pretty heavily stigmatized.

        • @LeanFemursOP
          330 days ago

          Oh gotcha that makes perfect sense, not sure where my head was at there 😅