• @[email protected]
    155 months ago

    Why do people assume that everyone has friends or family that can help them out with things. I have a 90yo grandma, an estranged family, and a few casual friends that aren’t close enough to help out.

    Why is life such a bitch all the time, I seem to be playing on “fuck you” level of difficulty.

    • @[email protected]
      105 months ago

      I understand how you feel sadly :(

      Just a fuck you and fuck you day after day with no signs of it ending and with no help available.

    • @[email protected]OP
      105 months ago

      There was a time when I was living in Europe and in a pretty bad situation. A husband who was in trouble ( again ) , a young daughter, no family, no friends.

      I realised society has things in place to help people just like me, people who are alone. So I used the social services that were set up to help me and they helped me as much as they could.

      Long term, that understanding of how our society works really helped me a lot.

      So use every single free service you can use. Government, charity, church. It’s meant for you.

      So many hugs, you are not alone.

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      We’re a group of people who are friendly who might be able to help if there was something specific?

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      You’re not alone in this, I often find myself in this situation too. It’s shitty but I can usually find an alternate way to do things if I think it through. It may not but the fastest or cheapest but it is what it is.

      I think with more people being single, people having fewer or no children, less community groups, this situation is becoming more common and hopefully things can adjust so that people can be more independent when they need to. Doesn’t help right now though, of course.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    So a tradie I had over yesterday decided to chuck a fair bit of rubble / building material into the household waste. Would’ve weighed 40kg-ish and that likely wouldn’t have been collected this morning.

    there I am at 10pm in the driveway with the bin on its side shovelling it out into pots. The sensor light isn’t the best so you sort of have to give it a good wave so it turns on.

    Anyway dude across the street is a psychiatrist… who witnessed me waving enthusiastically at the sensor several times between taking a shovel to a bin…

    He asked if I was okay which was nice.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      At least he attempted clean up. The tradies I get just walk away from all the mess. Including their empty coffee cups, lunch scraps etc. have had to chase my dog to extract a mouldy sandwich before. (There’s an obvious rubbish bin close by)

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I don’t understand what it is about the trades that waives usual profesional standards and just general societal expectations. I can’t really think of any other job (except those catalogue and assorted letterbox rubbish deliverers) where it’s acceptable to just leave your rubbish everywhere, or fob getting rid of it onto your customers. Even when they “make an effort to clean up” they usually don’t get rid of it correctly. Rubble shouldn’t go into regular curbside bins, but 40kgs especially can not

        • AJ Sadauskas
          45 months ago

          @Baku @Mittens_meow I just want to add something here.

          My strong suspicion is that a lot of the asbestos that has shown up in park mulch lately has been because some tradies have dumped a bunch of building waste in a green bin somewhere.

          That’s just a bunch and I could be wrong.

          But it really wouldn’t surprise me either.

  • @[email protected]
    125 months ago

    Had a very strange dream last night. It was lovely. A big party (I think it was a wedding). All sorts of people were there including some people I haven’t seen for years. And one family member in particular was there and happy and we have a beautiful talk about how she is feeling happy and healthy and everything is wonderful.

    Then you wake up and remember that person died nearly a decade ago. I don’t really believe in that sort of heaven but its so nice to think they are at peace and happy (and watching - I certainly still talk to her all the time in my head). But man oh man am I feeling fragile today. Just needed to tell someone before I have a coffee and put my game face on for work. Hug your loved ones peeps.

    • Aradina [She/They]
      75 months ago

      I had a dream where I was a damaged tank in ww2 pushing a hill. Not crew. I was the tank.

      Went well actually.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      I dunno. We are so small and young in the grand scheme of things. Maybe there are somethings we just cant explain, events we cant possibly understand. A cosmic gift if you will. Glad you got to experience this!

  • @[email protected]
    115 months ago

    I’ve been writing my own album for about a year now. Usually I’m a guitarist in bands, or do acoustic singer stuff by myself.

    So I’ve made this mix of industrial with a middle eastern vibe throughout.

    I’ve been very hesitant to start recording vocals despite having lyrics all done.

    I’m going to have a go tonight. Fuck it. Let’s see how it plays out.

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      5 months ago

      Can you give me an arabic song that I can slip into the Spotify queue that will surprise the man. Preferably something cheesy with numerous habibis in there.

        • CEOofmyhouse56
          35 months ago

          I can’t wait to hear your originals. Do you know of an arabic song by another artist that I can play now?

            • CEOofmyhouse56
              45 months ago

              Perfect 😂 😂 😂 I put a song on and he smiled and said “what the fuck is this?” and I showed him your comment “discount Arab Ricky Martin” and we both started cracking up. He’s now put him in favourites 😂. Alif shook runs.

              • @[email protected]
                25 months ago

                My absolute pleasure. I tried Arabic pop and couldn’t handle it. It can be so damn cringe lol

          • CEOofmyhouse56
            15 months ago

            I was looking for something cheesy and arabic to make the man laugh so he has to translate it while shaking his head and laughing. Has to be on Spotify because that’s what we are listening to.

    • AJ Sadauskas
      15 months ago

      @Gibsonisafluffybutt @Seagoon_ I’m genuinely curious to hear your album. I was a big fan of System of a Down back in the day, and how they jumped between Middle Eastern music and rock. Will your album do something similar?

  • @[email protected]
    115 months ago

    I really, really dislike people that are just babbling into their phones non stop on public transport.

    It’s like nails on a chalkboard.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      I can stand it so long as its not on speakerphone. But if your on ANY call in a bathroom you absolutely deserve to be shamed for it.

        • AJ Sadauskas
          25 months ago

          @Gibsonisafluffybutt @TinyBreak The other day, wifey and I caught a train and there was a lady who had a really blocked nose.

          As in, she was awake, but full-on sounded like she was snoring.

          Honk-pheeew honk-pheeew.

          Both my partner and I took turns at giving her a dirty look. I gave her a full-blown death stare.

          Honk-pheeew honk-pheeew.

          She just looked back with a look that said: “What are you looking at me for? What did I do?”

          Honk-pheeew honk-pheeew.

          I usually carry a pocket pack of Kleenex tissues in my bag, but unfortunately I didn’t have any on me.

          Otherwise, I would have given her the packet and said: “Please, just take these — I INSIST!”

          So gross!

  • @[email protected]
    115 months ago

    One of my friends just had her second baby and all my other friends are jumping up straightaway to visit her as soon as possible. Is it wrong that I…just don’t care? I mean I’m glad she has had a safe birth, the baby is healthy etc, I sent congratulations and contributed to a baby gift but…I’m sorry i’m not chomping at the bit to come and visit and check-in.

    • @[email protected]
      115 months ago

      it actaully means a shit load more to give it a couple of weeks THEN go say hi. You go in the first couple of weeks? Its about the baby. You go after the excitement settles down and the craziness sets in? You’re there to see your mate. Its the later weeks that are more lonely.

    • @[email protected]
      95 months ago

      Sounds perfectly rational to me. Actually, a visit from you might be more welcome in about a month’s time when all the new has worn off and everyone else has stepped back a bit.

      • @[email protected]OP
        65 months ago

        Exactly, just because you’re not gaga doesn’t mean you are mean. You have nothing to be sorry about

        Don’t let others set the standard of behaviour, set your own. There is more than one way to be a good caring person.


    • PeelerSheila
      35 months ago

      I love Gibson and all the pictures you post of her. I wish I had more time to draw. I’m going to need more shades of brown, grey, tan, ginger etc. in my pencil collection as I never seem to have quite the right tones when I’m in the mood to draw pets and it’s annoying. The perfectionist in me is rarely happy unless the colours are just right.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        I’m glad to hear you say that because sometimes I feel like I’m spamming the thread lol

        I’d love to see some of your drawings if you feel like posting them?

        • AJ Sadauskas
          25 months ago

          @Gibsonisafluffybutt @PeelerSheila Maybe I’m just being a crazy cat lady, but I love your photos of Gibson 😻

          And given the number of other people posting photos of their fluffy babies on here, you’re definitely not spamming anyone 😊

        • PeelerSheila
          15 months ago

          I did this picture of CEO’S dog when she bought him a new jumper, and I did this picture for a woman on Reddit who seemed like she could do with some cheering up. As you can see with CEO’s dog pic, his head isn’t how I’d have liked it because it’s hard when you don’t have the right colours to do the shading. Also it has to be good daylight and I have to have the right picture and the time to do it sighs.

  • @[email protected]
    105 months ago

    Oh the excited dancing when I walk in the door with a fresh sack of cat biscuits! Sorry boys, it’s not dinner time yet.

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      On top of everything else, it really makes a mockery of ‘you’ll get punished for lying in court’.

      • @[email protected]OP
        55 months ago

        She will probably be deported after serving her time.

        She might not have even be sentenced to time if she didn’t flee the scene or lie and keep on lying. This will be lesson. Don’t lie.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    I had some really weird and disturbing dreams and am somehow awake before even 5:30. This is a very weird feeling. Not sure if I should get up and do something…

    e: couldn’t stay in bed any longer and am sat in my living room at 7 feeling most peculiar, waiting for some hash browns to cook while having a cup of decaf mocha. Maybe I’ll head into work early and vamoose early as well. It’s frahday.

  • Dalek Thal
    95 months ago

    Methhead wandering down Flinders Street charging at people and yelling gibberish. Stay safe out there everyone

    • Dalek Thal
      95 months ago

      Also, what do people recommend I do post being charged by a methhead. I’ve got to work but I’m still in a state of fear

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        Not sure whether you can, but forget the encounter. The other party has most likely forgotten you entirely.

        Perhaps instead direct the dark thoughts to what you might do differently should a similar thing happen again?

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I agree with Nath, you should just try and move on from it however you can. Once you get somewhere safe, ask if you can take 5 minutes to recollect yourself before you start work.

        You can make a police report if you think it’ll make you feel better, but imo that’s a waste of time. The cops will just take a statement and put it in some forgotten file somewhere. It’s very unlikely that unless somebody was injured they will investigate at all, and even if they do and they charged the crackhead (even more unlikely), they’ll probably just be released or otherwise receive some penalty that doesn’t make you feel any better about it. They won’t go to prison.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    95 months ago

    Still positive, birthday bash has been cancelled due to others in my family either getting the cold or also getting COVID.

    Boring weekend incoming

  • @[email protected]
    85 months ago

    Ozbargain had a place selling raspberry pis for a decent price and I decided to order one.

    Anyone here have one? And what do you use it for? I’m thinking it would be a chance to learn docker, I can use it to run pihole and still have it set up as an emulation station

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      95 months ago

      I always see the raspberry and get excited then I realise it’s not raspberry pies. 😔

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      PiHole / bit of content filtering for the kids.
      I’m very light touch here: I’d rather know they were going to PornHub and then know it’s time to have “that” conversation than try to stop them going to PornHub.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Three, actually

      1. Octoprint print server for my 3d printer
      2. Retropi in a mini-SEGA case for taking around to mates places for retro gaming (non-N64)
      3. Brewpi for brewery
      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        I’ll need to look into the synth side. We went to a community festival recently and they had plants with soil sensors hooked up to an RPI that played notes when you touched them.

        I’m pretty sure the organelle is just an RPI in a fancy case as well

    • AJ Sadauskas
      25 months ago

      @tombruzzo @Seagoon_ I was thinking about getting one of the Raspberry Pis that are built into a keyboard: https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-400/

      The very first computer that I owned was a Commodore 64, and just for nostalgia’s sake I like the idea of having a computer that’s a modern take on that all-in-one keyboard design.

      I didn’t end up getting one, but if that design is on special, I might be interested?

      • @Orange1
        25 months ago

        See now you’re showing your age!

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        I’ve seen these and I think it’s a fun idea. I’d almost prefer this layout instead of laptops if we had screens everywhere

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      What site? I’ve never seen them on sale before.

      I have 2, I’ve got a 4b which I got to build a little NAS with, but my last place wasn’t a fan of that idea so it never happened. Currently not in use.

      I also have a zero W I got recently to run a lightweight python script that just archives a webpage once per day into the Wayback machine. In the future, I’ll probably use the 4b either for a more complex archiving script (I discovered a nice CLI utility with a lot more features than the one I made), probably run on some sort of Cron job and possibly modify it to be easily configured remotely from any device, rather than just SSHing.

      I’m going to use the 4b to run a local ArchiveBox instance and a Tube archivist instance to archive some YouTube channels eventually.

      Once you find your niche, you can do pretty much anything with it. My niche is archiving and datahoardery, so anything like that will probably run on one of my pis at some time in the future

    • @Orange1
      15 months ago

      I’ve had a pi 3b for a few years. Originally bought for uni projects and since then has been sitting idle. They are great if you’re interested in projects like that - I told myself years ago that I would set up pi-hole etc, but just never got around to it. Gonna try and sell it with all the breadboards and sensors etc. Let me know if you have questions

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    @[email protected] as promised I have procured and been using the ZeroCo cucumber and green tea deodorant!

    Ok, I feel pretty confident speaking authoritatively on smells since I literally picked up a gas leak further away than a leak sniffer did, but as always YMMV:

    I actually find this scent to be subtler than my usual (dove cucumber) and doesn’t really have any chemical over or undertones. It smells stronger in the pouch, but on application via roller it’s very very light to almost undetectable when I applied the same way I did dove. I did feel a bit of skin tingle on application, but more “I just used a mint-containing soap (and not on my genitals)” than anything else, and I’ve had no reaction and it’s been several days and multiple applications . Haven’t had the chance to test its efficacy after a hard slog of yardwork, but is holding up thus far.

    I actually have some left in the pouch (you return them for refilling) and a bunch of those tiny little glass roller bottles floating about - if you like I could mail you a tiny sampler for sniffing and skin testing

    edit: Ok I ended up doing a bit of hefting of things for a hot minute, and the scent of the deodorant has increased slightly. Still less than dove, and no BO undertones that it’s trying to hide, so possibly just a heat reaction.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      It’s a good idea having refillable ones. Thanks but don’t worry, the current one I have is still pretty full and tolerable!