• @Guydht
    05 months ago

    “Pretend Israel is the victim” Tell that to Nova survivors.

    Israel gave Palestinians a good reason to hate them, but oct.7 isn’t a thing any country should have to live with, no matter what. It wasn’t an act for anything, it was purely an act of terror with no actual goals. They’re victims of terror. Palestinians are also victims of that same terror group.

    Fuck Hamas.

    • @mycodesucks
      45 months ago

      It’s easy to say that when you’re an outside party who doesn’t understand or care about the underlying issues. Not to minimize the issue with the metaphor, but have you ever fought with a sibling or someone else at school and your disinterested parent our authority figure told you to both to stop without addressing any of either of your underlying problems? How well did it work?

      Pretending that “just stop it” deals with the realities of a complex history of real grievances and legitimate causes for anger and retribution on both sides is the most magical of magical thinking, and it doesn’t help that third party negotiators usually start their peace proceedings by learning NOTHING about the history of distrust and anger building up over decades, picking a side to ride or die with, and then declaring the issue fixed as soon as someone signs an agreement.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        The underlying issues?


        That’s the underlying issue. If you’re bickering with your sibling about some trivial problem that seems big, your parents are right to step in without “addressing underlying problems”. And that’s what’s happening here, two sides bickering about bullshit. Yes, we need to step in and stop them both and force them to coexist.

        How fucking stupid are people now? I swear to fuck, we can watch children be slaughtered, suffer, and entire lives ruined and we will just endlessly debate on which side is “right”. Pathetic. Grow the fuck up.

        • @mycodesucks
          5 months ago

          I need to grow up? These aren’t trivial problems. Both sides have watched thousands of their people killed, both feel like their concerns about those events are not addressed, and when you step in having experienced none of it and tell them it doesn’t matter, and we’re starting over now, and you expect them all to get in line? Good luck. It certainly worked every time they’ve tried it over the past hundred or so years, so I’m sure you’ve got it figured out with your righteous anger. They’ll forget all about the injustices they’ve suffered from each other the moment you call it bullshit. Very enlightened and exactly how humans work. I’m sure you think that cursing at me makes all those decades of family members ripped from their homes go away, but as an adult, I hope you can learn to think about things a little bit deeper than your momentary anger.

          People being killed will never ever stop until you address the underlying causes. It doesn’t matter how much you force them. Just like with those children, until you solve the underlying issue, the moment you stop applying external pressure they will go RIGHT back to their old behavior and you’ve solved nothing.

          We’re all on the same side here. We want the fighting and the violence to stop. But you won’t get any meaningful peace without addressing the reasons for the violence. Putting a lid on a boiling pot and declaring it will never boil over again by decree won’t do it, no matter how much you yell at the pot. You have to turn down the heat.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            The “underlying causes” are irrational hatred, infantile possession complex of land, and other bullshit that makes zero fucking sense. Yes, you need to grow up if you can’t see that these people are acting like little children and hurting people in the process. Wake the fuck up.

            • @mycodesucks
              15 months ago

              Sure, you’re right. You’ve got it all figured out. You have a good one.

              • @[email protected]
                05 months ago

                Yeah, this sounds about right, ignore common sense and logic and continue believing you’re right to the bitter end. This is what is wrong with our society. Enjoy watching it all crash and burn and I’ll be there at the end to say I fucking told you so.