Anyone else seeing the aurora?? First time I’ve seen it and its amazing!!!

  • @sicarius
    105 months ago

    looking pretty good here

  • Skua
    5 months ago

    I think I’ve got some sort of curse preventing me from seeing it. My friends and family are getting stellar views of dancing lights from the middle of Edinburgh and Dunfermline, meanwhile I took myself up to a quiet reservoir with no lights for miles around and saw the sky be slightly unusually light for midnight.

    Great photo you got!

    • @linzid83OP
      35 months ago

      If you use ur phone camera you pick up the colours better!!

      • Skua
        45 months ago

        I did get some colours on my phone! But I’m looking for the experience rather than the photo

  • @Oddbin
    55 months ago

    It was a fantastic hour and a bit of actually being able to see it with the naked eye and I managed to get some cracking pictures. This is supposed to go on for the rest of the weekend too as there was a large solar flare the other day. Tomorrow so far is forecast to be even more intense.

    Great resource for checking on the state of the aurora is:

    • @linzid83OP
      25 months ago

      I have the app!! That will be amazing if its still happening tonight!!

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    Yeah! Visible here in Belgium too! It’s so weird but very cool to see! (Can’t upload photos sadly, doesn’t allow me to)

    • @linzid83OP
      35 months ago

      Lucky you! Is Belgium far enough north for it to be a regular occurence for you?

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        I haven’t seen it before in my life, so I would say no. Belgium is just the temporary place I stay at atm rather than the Netherlands where the sky is littered by lights which make it harder to see/notice. Over here it’s pretty clear!

        • @linzid83OP
          35 months ago

          Glad you got to see it then!!

  • @Z3k3
    45 months ago

    Was out earlier nothing visible to me sadly slight green tinge in the North but tbh I think that’s wishful thinking

    • @linzid83OP
      25 months ago

      I bet it was! The sky looked strange but the colours only really become highlighted when you take a photo of them! Maybe you’ll get to see them tonight!!

      • @Z3k3
        35 months ago

        Was really wired started seeing people post pictured around me but I got jumped it was like I was in a black hole

        Took a couple pictures of the sky see if it picked up anything but nope

        • @linzid83OP
          25 months ago

          Maybe you’ll get to see something tonight!!!

  • Bob Robertson IX
    45 months ago

    Just saw it in Indiana. It was cloudy, and I could only see it from the west, but it was an odd view of a red sky behind white clouds.

    • @linzid83OP
      35 months ago

      We got lots of pinks and reds, a bit of green and a little purple!

  • DessertStorms
    45 months ago

    Damnit, I meant to go check if I could see anything but got distracted and forgot… 🤦‍♀️
    In bed now, not getting up, try again tomorrow.

    Love your photo!

    • @linzid83OP
      45 months ago

      My photos aren’t great but i’m just sp chuffed i’ve seen it!! Maybe you’ll get out tonight for a look!

      • DessertStorms
        5 months ago

        Actually yours is one of my favourite I’ve seen on the fedi so far, it reminds me of when sunshine breaks through a cloud and creates really sharp rays of light, almost like you’re about to hear a booming voice start giving you some commandments lol, so this is the much funkier coloured version of that!

        It’s definitely something I’ve always wanted to see, so really jealous of (but happy for) those who saw it and mostly just so annoyed at myself for forgetting last night, really hoping I can catch it tonight still! 🤞🤞 (might have to put a reminder on my phone just in case lol)

        E: just had a look on aurorawatch, I don’t want to give away my location, but there are some absolutely stunning photos posted from a few miles away, so will definitely make the effort to get out in the garden tonight!

        • @linzid83OP
          35 months ago

          Yeah definitely set a reminder!! I hope you get to see it!!

          • DessertStorms
            25 months ago

            Managed to remember to go look, was outside for about 45 min looking in all directions and saw nothing. :(

            Sky was mostly cloudy, though looking straight up was clear and starry, but nothing else, not with naked eye, not with camera at all different settings…


            • @linzid83OP
              25 months ago

              Aww thats rubbish!! You’ll get to see it again I’m sure!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻

  • @OlapM
    45 months ago

    Great show for you @linzid83 - did you stay up long watching it? Must admit going to bed about half ten, still too light to see anything, but the moon was a corker last night

    • @Z3k3
      45 months ago

      The moon was indeed amazing.too low to see from my garden buy when I went for a walk to get a clearer vire of the northern sky it really caught me off guard. Would loved to have pointed my skope at it but spot is not ideal for that

    • @linzid83OP
      45 months ago

      It was amazing!! Never seen it before and was so chuffed!! I was out about midnight for about half an hour. My photos are rubbish compared to some of my friends/family. If I hadn’t had the cicktail cans in the early evening I would’ve gone somewhere darker!! Hopefully you’ll can see them tonight!

  • @[email protected]
    35 months ago

    I’m 6 hours behind you so need more darkness.

    That pic is incredible tho. I’ve rarely seen pinks in auroras.

    • @linzid83OP
      35 months ago

      Did you see anything?? It was mostly pinks for us last night. Apparently thats the nitrogen where green is the oxygen.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Didn’t see anything, but I’m on the south end of a large city close to the Can-US border so the light pollution is atrocious.

        • @linzid83OP
          25 months ago

          Yeah we had quite a bit of light pollution too. If we gwt another chance tonight i’m definitely going somewhere dark!!