Currently only works on the Retaliator, but hopefully this means other ships will start to see this soon.

  • @cybervseas
    410 months ago

    Cool! Sneaky devs. It’s been a while maybe a year. I should update and check things out.

    • @b34k
      210 months ago

      The new update is a total game changer.

      I’ve been checking out every patch, but only logging a few hours each just to see how things are progressing, and this one I just feel lost with how different everything is.

        • @b34k
          110 months ago

          Yeah, feels like internally they think they finally have something in terms of how final gameplay should feel for SQ42.

          So they’re doing their best to bring all that into the PU as quick as possible.

  • @Essence_of_Meh
    310 months ago

    Well, it was mentioned as an 3.23.X addition in the April 3rd Roadmap Roundup but glad to have an actual in-game confirmation. Hopefully this will slowly spread to other ships as well.