People are so scared of a Trump presidency, and rightly so. But let’s say Biden gets elected, and finally, somehow magically, Trump just disappears and his followers quietly dissipate into the ether?
Do you really think the next election we won’t be complaining about the exact same shit? Fascism vs Declining Capitalism (AKA, Good Cop Fascism)?
This is your lives now folks, every four years, choose your flavor of Fascism, they certainly look different, but once you put them in your mouth, they all taste like the same shit.
Elect your Biden, and then don’t criticize your government, and get the fuck back to work and don’t protest and keep your heads down and your mouth shut.
Then four years later, compromise and vote for the lesser of two evils that somehow gets more evil every four years. That is all of us now. I’d say see you in hell, but we’re already here.
vote for the lesser of two evils that somehow gets more evil every four years
Fucking THANK YOU for saying this. I’ve struggled a lot with this rude awakening, that liberals will put on a smile and pretend they’re good people while stabbing you in the back.
You can see it in their responses, they just hysterically repeat over and over - “how could you possibly not like Biden, are you some kind of fascist? Look at the enemy!!!”
Meanwhile they continue to let fascists pillage the nation, commit open terrorism, attempt a violent overthrow of the government with no consequences (who called off the national guard? Who set skeleton crew police lines? Who GAVE TOURS TO FASCIST GROUPS BEFORE THE COUP? who was texting locations of congress members to the mob?).
They talk so much about how Biden will fight Trump.
What the fuck were Democrats doing during Trump? Laying back and enjoying the donations rolling in.
Oh waah the blues had no majority waaaah. Funny how there’s always an excuse why Blues couldn’t help the people while Republicans could be outnumbered 2:1 and still shut down the government on a whim.
It’s always an excuse, some complicated subtle political reasons. No, I’m sorry when you don’t actually have morals and constantly compromise or find money for war you are part of the problem. The Dems are part the problem.
Pretty much. “Not trump” is such an incredibly low bar, it shouldn’t even be a consideration. Yet this is Biden’s core campaign strategy, again. He’s shown he’d rather beat and incarcerate peaceful dissenters than engage with them in good faith compromise. This is reflected by the rabid Blue MAGA supporters who start frothing at the mouth about how you’re a Trump voter just because you point out factual observations concerning Biden. It’s a wild form of cognitive dissonance, but I guess this is what you get after 50 years of unrelenting propaganda.
Very true. I was a freshmen in high school when the clusterfuck that was the W v Gore election. Which was basically the first election I kind of followed with the new interest of someone that would be able to vote the next time. And of course 9/11 and Iraq were very big moments to see happening. They were the points in my youth where picking a side kind of mattered. Seeing the massive shift from blind support (which hit lots of us) to the massive condemnations of what the results were. Seeing the very people that were so “USA USA #1!!!” tripping over themselves to send people to die, then turn into smug fucks about how stupid the Republicans are and getting photo-ops to be seen as “anti-war.”
Then 2008 shit really hit hard. The system was beginning to show even more of us in my age range the grift it was. Seeing so many peoples’ lives fucked up, and seeing how just getting gas with my part-time minimum wage jobs would take so much while in school (I am forever grateful and lucky that I have the family help I had even though my parents were working class). But even after the massive protests over the wars and the financial crash, the same assholes just let the ones that created and directly aided the rich fucks that made it happen were let off. We have so many people that get life or even the death penalty for so much less harm. But these rich fucks and their paid for politicians just don’t even try anymore. And we are groomed to just give up after maybe some large marches and speeches. To not push farther with demands, and if we start to they do a full push to present only out of the way and per-approved “peaceful protests” as “valid” and “correct.”
Every election since the 2000 elections has been presented as life and death. It is always “too important a cycle” to be “allowed” to voice support of third parties. Abortion was always on the line. Civil rights movements from the past had their guts removed and whitewashed to fit the narrative of liberalism and even super right of centre conservatives. And yet the liberals/centrists after gaslighting about how “important” the shit was, then immediately won’t shut the fuck up about how “important” bipartisan shit is and why they aren’t putting any fight to protect those same things they yelled at us about. So are the conservatives/Republicans fascists that WILL take away all our freedoms? Or are they “really nice people” that make bipartisanship so fucking “important?”
Now that abortion and the civil rights of LGBTQIA+ folks were not protected, AND we are seeing more and more kids in cages along with a fucking genocide. We are STILL being told that the Blue Team is somehow the “good guys” and that the Republicans are the ones that WILL do all those same fucking things…but worse. It is infuriating that they are still trying to push the voters to just STFU and go with it instead of doing what voters are demanding. They act like the election is next week or something without time to change course. We are already being called “Trump supporters” for speaking our minds when there is literally so much fucking time to win votes. They only know how to be the “victims” and fake concerns for media spots, and are furious it isn’t just working. Fuck all of them!
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It’s completely normal to make the DNC online only to avoid protests. That happens every time. Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along. There’s never actually been one that was in-person. What are you talking about?
If someone could answer, I would love to know what the plan is when Biden wins the election but Trump just decides to not accept the results and take power by force? What’s the plan when the cops, the courts, and the military don’t stop him? I truly, truly hope the answers are not “vote” or “just accept it”.
In 2020 this was possible because Trump was president at the time so he had power. It did not happen. After throwing a tantrum Trump didn’t try to order the government to defend him, just his jan6 mob.
Right now Trump is not president so he cannot abuse powers to try what he didn’t try back then.
Well fortunately the joint chiefs of staff understand their oath is to the constitution. They wouldn’t have helped on Jan 6 and they absolutely won’t help an agitator try a coup on the dutifully elected president of the United States.
Cops are another story but highly doubt they’d try to stand up to the national guard let alone the military.
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As seen in all communist regimes and to a lesser degree most non communist ones too.
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Almost like giving people to much unchecked power is a bad thing not because of the economy type but because people.
democracy on socialist places is done more through popular participation. leaders should be afraid of the masses, its how democracy is really made.
and if we had more of it now we would probably be achieving many socialist-leaning leftist policies instead of the current status quo. hell most of the rights we still have were achieved that way.
Just to be THAT pedant. There have never been communist regimes. There are authoritarian, regimes who like to talk about the concepts and misuse the word constantly. While doing the least communist sort of things one could imagine. But those are Marxist leninist and not communist. It’s like magats larping as patriots.
“Biden’s genocide in Gaza”
Bullshit article is bullshit. Biden is not the one killing people in Gaza. Put the blame on Bibi where it belongs.
Did Staples build the Staples Center? No, they just paid for it.
That argument doesn’t work when the US is Israel’s prime armament supplier.
Yeah, I am aware that Biden stopped a single shipment last week. Kudos.
Exactly. Biden isn’t doing the genocide.
Supplying weapons? Sure.
Enabling it? Maybe, yeah.
Condemning it? No he is not, and should.
But he isn’t DOING IT.
I agree with you but the way things are right now, if you want to keep your right to criticize your government, you have to still vote for Biden at the election.
If you stay home or vote for Orange Man, hating what your government is doing overseas will be the last thing you’ll be complaining about.
Yeah, exactly. I hate it. I hate that NOT voting for Biden is one vote closer that Trump could win again and end our democracy like he is promising to do. That’s scary. And if that does happen we will never again have ANY votes for anything, let alone protesting a foreign genocide.
We need to all be pushing and campaigning to get Ranked Choice Voting in as many states as we can.
Until then the reality is we get to choose between A or B. There are no other viable options. You can choose to not vote, you can vote 3rd party, but that does absolutely nothing at all but toss the vote away. And you will never convince me otherwise until a 3rd party candidate gets anywhere close to the other 2. And 2-5% of the country is not that.
It’s good to see that the current choice is helping spread awareness about RCV
Mr. Beast’s latest video did more to raise awareness of ranked choice voting than this election.
Edit: Okay, it was 3 weeks ago. RCV is at the end.
So what’s your definition of criticizing the government? Because everytime I see someone do it they are met with rubber bullets and tear gas by the state.
I’m talking about what we are able to do right here. If Trump gets in, he would tolerate it like China does.
You know Trump was already president for 4 years and wasn’t throwing people in jail for saying bad things about him right?
You’re gonna love project 2025.
I like how Biden is powerless to do anything and it’s not his fault that he can’t get anything passed but all of a sudden when Trump gets in office he has the power to do anything he wants.
like the time Biden had a protest cleared so he could get pics in front of a church?
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The weapons and money every single US President has provided them for the last 76 years.
Approximately $300 billion worth.
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It’s not an argument to keep the policy, it’s an argument that calling this “Biden’s genocide” is bullshit.
things escalated a lot and have been allowed to continue, it is even being actively financed by him. he has the power to deescalate, he doesn’t.
Biden’s perspective is that he’s continuing to support Israel.
The problem is that Bibi and his team are utterly misapropriating that support.
If I give you a gun and you kill someone with it. Does that make me a murder? No. An accessory to it perhaps if I was aware of your intentions. But that’s all.
An accessory to genocide is still pretty bad, especially when it’s not condemned as it’s happening.
Yes. But it isn’t the same thing. It’s an important distinction. One which a lot of people for propaganda purposes are ignoring. And makes it that much easier to dismiss the complaints of people with valid criticisms. We shouldn’t be complicit enabling or having any part in genocide. But what is real and Netanyahu is doing is vastly different from what Biden or anyone else in the United States is doing.
If someone is on a killing spree and runs out of Ammo and I give you more ammo to continue that killing spree than that blood is on my hands.
Stoo defending Bidens genocide
Probably guns
Yes, we sell weapons to probably half the world. And we should absolutely hard stop providing more to Israel while they are doing genocide, but selling a thing and using the thing for evil are not at all the same. Biden isn’t committing genocide any more than Ford is for vehicle deaths or Colt for making AR-15s used in mass shootings.
For the record I think we should condemn Israel and stop all trade until they stop. I also think the US needs to stop being world police and cut our own military spending way back.
But I’m so tired of the BS “Biden’s genocide because he sold them weapons” stuff.
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LMFAO and YET we have mass shootings almost weekly in this country and that example seems to be exactly what is happening. How do we explain the angry people that are purchasing AR-15s and shit from gun shows and stores and no one seems to give a flying fuck? Just, here ya go, want some extra ammo clips?
We need to have better common sense gun laws over here and we need to stop blaming other people that aren’t responsible for things. How about we blame Israel and Netanyahu? Maybe? Is that too much to ask for?
And to be clear, I do not really like Biden, but he’s a hell of a lot better than Trump. And unfortunately he is the only option we have until we reform our voting system.
And yes, at this point I do think it is fair to call Biden a genocide enabler. Because he KNOWS genocide is happening and continues to send supplies and weapons and is NOT outright condemning it.
I just dislike saying Biden is doing it, it shifts the blame off Netanyahu.
we sell weapons to probably half the world
The level of deflection yanks go to is astronomical. I’m not sure if it’s lack of education, logic, common sense, or just swallowing propaganda wholesale daily.
It’s not US fault when it supplies weapons for ethnic cleansing or genocide, or does one itself (multiple times), but as soon as some country’s name comes up in the inventory of weapons to Russia, they’re exactly like Russia, guilty of crimes against humanity and ready to be sanctioned off.
Also cars are not sold primarily to kill, you dc.
We all know any progress is Biden’s doing but every failure is “that’s not how it works” bullshit.
If you’re tired of not electing war criminals or those that directly support one, maybe do something about it than cry about it on the internet as truth smacks you in the face.
We don’t HAVE options here. It’s Biden or Trump… Again.
And don’t even start with the BS lines of 3rd party blah blah. That will never happen under FPTP voting here. We are stuck with voting against one of the two leading candidates and that’s it.
If we had Ranked Choice Voting then YEAH for sure. I’d vote for someone other than Biden in a heartbeat, but we don’t, so I am forced to vote to keep Trump out, and Biden is the only option for that. And if Biden doesn’t win, Trump will.
So what would you have me do? Vote for Trump and make war crimes increase? Not vote? Vote 3rd party and risk Trump winning? I’m listening.
And I AM doing what I can to elect better people, but my one vote isn’t doing much if others aren’t helping. So, maybe talking about this on the Internet is EXACTLY what needs to be happening.
Positive change does not come from electoralism. Vote for whoever you want, but organize and help gain traction for leftist movements.
I do everything I can locally and in primaries and before the main presidential elections. I vote for who I actually want in all those. But for the main election I’m going to keep Trump out of office the best way possible and voting 3rd party isn’t it.
Until we have ranked choice voting across the board we ARE stuck with a 2 party system. Arguing against that is ignoring decades of proof on some weird hope that “maybe this time our 3rd party guy might win” and they never do.
I don’t see how any of what you just said relates to what I just said. Positive change towards Socialism cannot happen electorally, so if you want to vote for Biden, go for it. It won’t move us any closer to Socialism.
Yep. Biden and more importantly Congress enable Bibi the butcher. But they aren’t committing genocide. And anyone who implies they are is making light of genocide. There’s plenty to criticize everyone on without making shit up.
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Hitler organized and ordered the genocide in Europe.
Bibi’s genocide in Gaza is happening entirely outside any opinion, control or orders from Biden.
It’s not the same thing AT ALL.
Biden could stop supplying weapons today, the genocide will continue.
No, it wouldn’t.
It would end immediately.
That it’s why it is not outside of Biden influence.
Israel is completely dependant on American money and weapons to continue existing.
It would continue, because Israel doesn’t need our weapons or money to continue.
They absolutely need US weapons.
You live in an imaginary universe if you think they are capable of the level of production and funding required for their “defense”.
76 years and $300 B in aid dollars says they don’t currently need our help to do anything.
My issue is people are so heavily throwing shit at Biden, almost NONE of them are talking about anyone else, and most of those same people go really quiet when asked to have the same energy for people here in the U.S. I understand how important this is, there is a very terrible situation happening. But like fuck, how are we supposed to help anyone when we’re seemingly one good coop away from full on facism.
Almost, like maybe, the Democratic party should have had a primary.
This is the outcome they get from the actions they’ve taken.
They care more about implementing a genocide then keeping Trump out of the white house.
The people hiding behind Gaza are effectively causing the same issue. So many of them fluff their arguments with “and Gaza!” and feel strongly that anyone who debates them are for the genocide, even if the person supports the protests and condemns the evil that is occuring. Meanwhile, these same people are also indirectly saying that Trump should become President by placing often all blame on Biden. I’m sorry. It sucks. This is the situation.
We are effectively dividing ourselves. Nearly none of us who lean Progressive and/or Left believes the situation in Gaza is good. We understand the severity. We just want those who use Gaza as a do-all for any of their arguments to, bluntly, shut up and consider the alternatives. Because let’s face it: They’ll still be screaming genocide right up to Trump stepping into a second term. If that happens I hope those same people don’t disappear because we’ll need them when we are no longer in a position as a nation to help others. We’ll be too busy probably literally fighting for ourselves and our neighbors.
Don’t downplay the situation in Gaza. We SHOULD highlight it. It isn’t the only extremely important event we need to focus on though.