Controversial hot take, I know… but in certain cases, normalcy and routine is the desired state. After a long weekend of family events, too many kids (of which most are my own), too many pets (of which roughly half are my own), and the house being drafty with the entire in-law clan and then some for the past few days, things are now finally back to normal.

Kids are in school, SO at work, and I’m in my home “office” (I use my bedroom), arranging the coming week. I schedule most things to “ot today” because now it’s MY time. When picking up some supplies this morning I even bought one single beer that is for my lunch, and beyond that my work day will mostly be centered around waiting for various balls that are in other people’s courts.

Anyone else who usually welcome mondays when they arrive?

  • dingus
    11 months ago

    I feel similarly, but not always entirely. I have intense social anxiety and 0 friends and no significant other so I get lonely at times and work is how I socialize with people.

    But when people talk about life with kids it sounds like a living nightmare. I don’t mean that kids or evil or anything and I think playing with my niece or my acquaintance’s kids can be fun for a few hours…but just the fact that it’s a 24/7/365 constant of taking care of them. And you absolutely never get to do anything for yourself anymore. Sounds like constant torture until you fucking die. I’d probably go nuts and stab myself.

    I think I’d probably take my lonely life over that but I guess I’ve never truly lived the alternative to say.