• @CluckN
    395 months ago

    “I smoke too much weed and use other substance dependencies to defend it” starter pack.

  • @Feathercrown
    85 months ago

    I defy your meme, for my body is a temple. The only edible things allowed in here are potato chips and deep fried foods, thank you

  • @toynbee
    45 months ago

    What’s nurofen? Also what are the bottom middle and bottom right? Sorry for not being more specific, I can’t read the labels.

    • @grue
      195 months ago

      The bottom middle and right are ritalin and valium, respectively.

      Also, nurofen is ibuprofen, but I think the real reason the specific picture was chosen is that nurofen plus apparently means they add codeine to it.

      Finally, the big drug this starterpack omits is sugar.

    • VaultBoyNewVegas
      5 months ago

      Nurofen is painkiller tablets that can be bought over the counter. Bottom middle is Ritalin I think which is an ADHD med and the other is diazepam which is used for anxiety. Both Ritalin and diazepam are prescription only.

        • VaultBoyNewVegas
          05 months ago

          I know but the guy asked about Ritalin, nurofen and diazepam specifically. Why would I mention Prozac when that’s on the bottom left and they guy didn’t mention bottom left?

  • @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    The only one of those I do is headache medicine, and only for intense headaches, and I only take half the recommended dose for some reason.

    Well, I also have caffeinated sodas sometimes, but it’s for the flavor, not the caffeine. Pretty much mid-day only; the caffeine doesn’t make a difference.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      Sounds like “recreational drugs”.

      In the end it’s all the same, an arbitrary distinction (perhaps useful at times). Mankind has looked for ways to ease the pain of being human since the beginning of time.

      “Life is pain, highness, anyone telling you otherwise is selling something” - Westley, Princess Bride