
    • probablynaked
      29 months ago

      It’s like what I see when I rub my eyes too aggressively

  • Victor
    9 months ago

    I’m curious about the relationship between the original and the transformed result. Could you please explain in broad terms how the transformation happens?

    • @Rebels_DroppinOPM
      29 months ago

      I told someone a couple months ago I would make a video when this hit 100 subscribers and I think it’s pretty close so Ill make a post later today showing the process visually.

      But in case you miss it, I take that original, mirror it sometimes over 10 times. Each mirror will add or remove shapes and patterns so it all depends on how you work it with each addition or reduction.

      • Victor
        29 months ago

        Oh, I see! Yeah, very cool idea, and what a wholesome hobby, lol. Thank you for explaining!

        I wouldn’t mind seeing that video, either. 🙂