Credit to “Democracy Now!”

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    A female police officer patting down a female who was arrested.

    This is not a problem. This is what is supposed to happen.

    This isn’t news.

    • @Son_of_dad
      910 months ago

      They aren’t supposed to do it in front of everyone

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Well that’s just not correct. This person is being taken into detention. Protocol is to ensure they do not have weapons prior to being detained.

        You think this person is supposed to get a changing room to get patted down before they go into a cop car? That’s not only not realistic. It’s just stupid. Female officer patted down a female suspect there’s nothing wrong with what’s being shown here.

  • @ParabolicMotion
    10 months ago

    You think that’s bad? The sheriff’s office in my county will pull you over on the freeway, make you park on a side street after instructing you to exit the freeway, ask you to step out of your vehicle, and then tell you that you’re going to a different location to be strip searched even though you aren’t wanted for a crime and are not in the process of having committed a crime. They can literally pull over anyone they choose, say that someone was just concerned (usually they’ll name a family member that hasn’t even contacted them) and then proceed to tell you that they need to strip search you. This happened to me in 2017. I returned to ask for a copy of the report, and my ex boyfriend opened the door to the records department. That’s right. This unscrupulous place hired my bitter ex-boyfriend.

    This is not the ex that I dated for 3.5 years and planned to marry/discussed a wedding and a family together. This was the ex boyfriend that I dated briefly during high school, with whom I NEVER had sex. An ex boyfriend that had never seen me naked. There are pictures of us together at formal dances between 2005 and 2006, with the exception of prom. Why not prom? He had a mental breakdown the day of prom, and began cussing about all women ruining his life like his mother. All of this happened because he COULDN’T AFFORD PAINTBALL SUPPLIES. Yep. Paintball supplies. My family heard him cuss me out through the phone because he couldn’t afford paintball supplies for his extracurricular activities. This is also the ex who said he wanted to shoot his exes, and told me this while we were together. He later tried to backpedal and say he was just talking about paintball.

    This video looks bad, but it is nowhere near as bad as what the local sheriff’s department did to me years ago. Oh, and why did he wait until then? He took that long to realize I had changed my last name, apparently, after getting married. He must have realized I had two children, as well. All I can imagine is that someone was jealous. I can’t even file a report about what he did because he was wearing a different man’s name badge (first name only) when he answered the door of the records’ department. He smiled as he handed the record over to me. It wasn’t a friendly smile either. We aren’t even related where someone can try to justify this strange attachment and behavior he has towards me after such a short relationship. The guy is mentally insane. Law enforcement hired a mentally insane guy to work in their facility.

      • @ParabolicMotion
        510 months ago

        I tried to hire a lawyer when it happened. I called a law firm that same day. I don’t have the money to fight it. Also, how do you fight it without money and a lawyer? File a report with local law enforcement? That isn’t going to work. I actually filed a report online with the FBI office over corruption amongst local law enforcement. I doubt anyone will care. Then again, my dad’s cousin was former president Jimmy Carter. If he had been any closer of a relative our family would probably already be in some federal protection program meant to shield families of politicians from harm. But nope. I’m just some poor distant cousin of someone who mattered, so I don’t matter. It’s sad that things like these events can happen to women in America, or anyone, and no one cares unless they’re someone “important”.

  • Night Monkey
    -1810 months ago

    Now cops patting down criminals are considered crazy fucking videos? 😂

    • @[email protected]
      1710 months ago

      Didn’t realize stripping someonein in broad daylight was proper procedure for police. In EMS, excepting life threatening situations where clothes need to be removed in order to save someone’s life, we have the decency to strip patients in the privacy of the ambulance. And even then it’s only done when absolutely necessary. What about this situation called for that woman to be stripped in the street?

      • Night Monkey
        10 months ago

        They had a ton of angry violent protesters surrounding them. They gotta do a pat search before they go in the car. This doesn’t look sexual in any way. They were in a hurry. She wasn’t stripped. That’s obvious from the video

        • @Dkarma
          510 months ago

          Nearly everything in your post is simply not true. You can literally see her bra and there are no protesters anywhere near them.

          Why lie?

  • @RedAggroBest
    -3910 months ago

    That looks like a pretty standard pat down? Sorry women have breasts?

    Like fuck the police but this isn’t anything more than them searching someone they’ve apprehended, we can critique their reasons for the arrest instead.

    • @givesomefucks
      3710 months ago

      Why is everyone mad? The cops always sexual assault people!

      Like, even if you were right and this was standard…

      That makes it worse. Not better.

      You get that right? It’s not difficult logic but I get it’s still kind of early.

      • @RedAggroBest
        -4910 months ago

        You really like being condescending huh? Right kiddo? Just cuz it’s a little too early for baby to understand I never said it was okay? Just standard procedure and not some cop being uniquely heinous.

        • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
          1110 months ago

          4/10, you’ve got a decent level of unhinged but it needs a lot more ranting to make a good copypasta. Try bringing in more unrelated topics and runon sentences are your friend

        • @givesomefucks
          510 months ago

          Lol. That was even worse than I expected, how many people do you think have blocked you because of the type of person you are?

        • @danekrae
          210 months ago

          This is going well for you…

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      10 months ago

      Average patdown where a cop goes in for a few full gropes on a womans breast and strips off her shirt to leave her in her bra

      We must have a very different definition for “average”.

      • @RedAggroBest
        -2110 months ago

        A female officer used the backs of her hands to check she didn’t have anything in her bra. They also didn’t strip her shirt off. The front bottom buttons were undone to check around her waist.

        It’s invasive and cops do it unnecessarily to scare people, but it’s 1000% standard pat down.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          10 months ago

          If someone starts groping me downstairs, unbuttons my pants and pulls them halfway down fully exposing my underwear you’re not going to win on technicalities either

          They stripped her and defending this is absolutely disgusting.

          • norbert
            -1710 months ago

            I feel like a lot of people need to hear about the little boy who cried wolf. Beware of fatiguing people with constant outrage or people just disregard what you say.

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              910 months ago

              I feel like anyone defending a handcuffed woman being stripped and exposed in her bra in public means they’re completely fucked in the head

              • norbert
                -1010 months ago

                I feel like searching for any reason to be outraged is incredibly unhealthy mentally. There’s plenty to be outraged about without looking for made up issues.

                Cool ad hominem though it definitely addressed my point and doesn’t make you look like a simpleton who’s (if I can borrow a phrase) “completely fucked in the head.”

                • @LinkerbaanOP
                  710 months ago

                  First of all this definitely isn’t protocol.

                  Even if it was protocolm anyone saying that this level of clearly unnecessary extreme sexual harassment is fine is considered a rape apologist in my book.

                  Say this was another country where the police kidnaps women and rapes them because “it’s protocol” you’d be fine with it too?

            • @[email protected]
              -210 months ago

              They don’t care… you’re arguing with Dimitri in St. Petersburg.

              His goal is to use Israel’s genocide in Gaza as a wedge issue to get people angry so they don’t vote for Biden. That way the Kremlin can get their asset into the White House again. Trump has already tried to cut support for Ukraine and NATO before the Kremlin even started their barbaric war, no doubt he’ll continue enabling the Kremlin if he wins again.

              Side bonus any time Dimitri gets political extremes fighting each other and weakens the social fabric of the US.

                • @[email protected]
                  010 months ago

                  There are many news stories in mainstream and alternative media about the Kremlin interfering in elections etc. They use anonymous accounts to influence massive amounts of people.

                  The Kremlin is willing to spend trillions of dollars for their war of conquest in Ukraine, of course they’re also investing in a much cheaper and more politically palatable cultural war online.

      • @RedAggroBest
        -410 months ago

        I point to the 15 minute mark in your link. The female cop in the video even bothered to use the backs of her hands to check the bra.

        • swiftcasty
          1810 months ago

          They don’t undress the person being searched in the demo video, and they point out that they are searching around the breast and not the breast itself. Maybe practices differ in NY but you have to admit the unbuttoned shirt is weird, the point being a pat down is not the same as a strip search.

    • @[email protected]
      -710 months ago

      Yeah, looks like a pretty clinical pat down and they brought in a female officer to do it, for whatever that’s worth. And yes, fuck the police.

      • @Nofearfrontier
        -110 months ago

        Has a pig in his name and defending a cop, priceless

      • @RedAggroBest
        -210 months ago

        Everyone really has a hard time being objective on Lemmy lol.

        Like the problem here is that cops in full tactical gear are arresting student protesters, how they do a par down just aint it and it just feels like rage bait.

        • @evergreen
          10 months ago

          Rage bait > No vote for Biden > Trump win > Putin happy. This is the way. Trust the process.