People wearing a mask during protests in North Carolina could face extra penalties if arrested, under proposed legislation that critics say could make it illegal to wear a mask in public as a way to protect against COVID-19 or for other health reasons.

Republicans supporters say the legislation, which passed its first committee Tuesday, was prompted in part by the recent wave of protests on universities nationwide — including at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill — against Israel’s war in Gaza.

While the main thrust of the bill enhances penalties for people wearing a mask during a crime or intentionally blocking traffic during protests, most concerns centered on the health and safety exemption. According to the bill’s summary, people could no longer wear masks in public for medical reasons.

When asked by Batch if someone wearing a mask for health purposes in public would be violating the law, a legislative staff member said it would, because the bill repeals the exemption.

  • @[email protected]
    295 months ago

    Guns + ski mask + Hawaiin shirt = acceptable
    Blue hair + medical mask + no guns = illegal
    It’s just “common sense” people. Use your best judgement officers.

    • @Everythingispenguins
      24 months ago

      Hawaiian shirts should be illegal in every situation that doesn’t directly involve Hawaii.

      • Mbourgon everywhere
        44 months ago

        F you. I love my Aloha shirts. I’ve been doing it since before it became a “dad thing”. It’s not a t-shirt, it’s not a GD polo, and it’s more fun than a button-down.

        But stick some of that boogaloo shit on there? Yeah, that’s a paddlin’.

  • mox
    245 months ago

    Whatever the real motivations might be, this is deeply irresponsible. I hope it turns out to violate the state constitution or some similarly strong law, and gets rejected.

  • @[email protected]
    195 months ago

    GOP Sen. Buck Newton brushed off concerns that getting rid of pandemic-era exemptions on masks was overly broad, saying he expects authorities to use “good common sense.”

    “We didn’t see Granny getting arrested in the Walmart pre-COVID,” Newton said as he presented the bill Tuesday in the state Senate Judiciary Committee.

    Was Granny white?

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      …he expects authorities to use “good common sense.”

      He knows they’re gonna murder someone, right?

      • @Everythingispenguins
        24 months ago

        Yeah that is police common sense. The law and order thing is and always has been a dog whistle to target “others”

  • Flying Squid
    165 months ago

    This is going to bite those North Carolina politicians in the ass at the next Klan rally.

    • @Everythingispenguins
      104 months ago

      Don’t worry those are hoods not masks. Totally different kind of thing.

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    155 months ago

    Newton said he could revisit the bill if problems arise.

    Yeah right.