The Justice Department has determined that Boeing violated a settlement that allowed the company to avoid criminal prosecution after two deadly crashes involving its 737 Max aircraft, prosecutors told a federal judge on Tuesday.

It is now up to the Justice Department to weigh whether to file charges against the aircraft maker. Prosecutors will tell the court no later than July 7 how they plan to proceed, the Justice Department said.

Boeing failed to make changes to prevent it from violating federal anti-fraud laws — a condition of the the 2021 settlement, Glenn Leon, the head of the fraud section of the Justice Department’s criminal division said in a letter.

  • @[email protected]
    1245 months ago

    Here at Boeing, we only kill a statistically acceptable number of humans to avoid affecting the stock price. Fly Boeing today. We did a good job forty years ago so trust us today!

  • Optional
    655 months ago

    Hey, they’re whacking whistleblowers as fast as they can, alright

    • toiletobserver
      155 months ago

      You want me to whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? If that’s the case you can whack me off right now.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    How many criminal prosecutions do I get waived if, for strictly hypothetical reasons, if I send tens of people into danger by launching them in a metal tube that comes apart midair?

    As a side notes, I am starting an aero tube company that ‘already’ has ‘multiple’ ‘investers’. DM me for info on how to give me money!

    • mynachmadarch
      235 months ago

      Call it “Sky gate” and control the tube with a $15 cheapo gamepad and I’m in.

      • @NegativeInf
        125 months ago

        Yea. It’s a once in a lifetime trip to visit the site of the Columbia disintegration. 120k per passenger. No refunds.

    • @Beetschnapps
      125 months ago

      Well that depends, can you get a republican elected in 6 months?

      Heaven forbid you suffer “REGULATIONS”…

  • Flying Squid
    285 months ago

    Corporations are people. Unless they commit felonies, then you can’t treat them like people.

    • FenrirIII
      94 months ago

      And if anyone is held accountable, they cannot be an executive

      • @Warl0k3
        65 months ago

        We know, but it would still be fun to watch them sweat a little at the incredibly remote possibility.

        • @[email protected]
          55 months ago

          Sweat? The only one that’s gonna sweat is the prosecutor that wakes up with a horse’s head in his bed.

          • @Warl0k3
            34 months ago

            Hey, don’t kinkshame.

  • @Ejh3k
    255 months ago

    You gotta wonder if Boeing execs are flying in Boeing planes anymore?

    • @Beetschnapps
      5 months ago

      Does make you wonder what size private jet are they flying?

      Boeing offers the BBJ plane models, but that’s private versions of large airliners like the 737 up to a 777. They start at something like 150m and I don’t know if they offer anything comparable to a gulfstream which are like half the price and size.

      Regardless you know damn well Boeing execs’ planes have a maintenance schedule 10x that of average commercial airframes with a tenth the flight time.

  • @[email protected]
    144 months ago

    And if they do that 2 or 3 thousand more times the Government MIGHT decide to MAYBE look at all the Taxpayer Money we give them and MAYBE take like a PENNY away from that!

  • @reddig33
    115 months ago

    What’s the remedy here? Will they break up Boeing? Or just let it spiral out of business?

        • @pdxfed
          105 months ago

          This is both, funny, sad and a brutal acknowledgement of our democracy’s termination.

      • @[email protected]
        75 months ago

        Give it to me!

        I’m not an American citizen, therefore I will operate it with perfect safety and fairness with no consideration of profits.

        Though I might siphon off some of the company’s profits to fund the communist revolution in Antarctica, so there is that trade off.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        Murdering more whistleblowers helped me and my wife commit more acts of disregarding safety than our HOA could keep up with!

    • @reddit_sux
      65 months ago

      Fine it to bankruptcy and then bail it out. Nothing else changes.

  • @[email protected]
    65 months ago

    Looks like some people in Justice Department do not value their life. Let’s see how long it will take for Glenn Leon to meet up with Joshua Dean and John Barnett.

  • @unreasonabro
    4 months ago

    Trusting a corporation is like trusting a snake. If you’re doing anything other than trusting it to be a snake, you’re in for a rude surprise.

    Our legal system has made our corporate overlords into criminals by allowing them to govern themselves. Without a brain to guide them, they’ll just keep following the money til there’s nobody left to make money from. They’ve literally sold their right to do otherwise (see: the stock market)

    It is our legal system that requires prosecution.