The Worst Website In The Entire World is owned by Broadcom

  • Anticorp
    10 months ago

    If your website requires an 11 page PDF to explain how to navigate it, then your website is shit and run by idiots.

      10 months ago

      If you want the quickie version of the bizarreness that the guy is talking about, without having to experience Broadcom’s web site at full strength, you could do a lot worse than just to read the PDF. It’s just… off. It replicates very effectively the experience of talking to a useless person at work.

      Download Software

      1. Click My Downloads from the left navigation panel to open your available downloads.
      2. Select the appropriate product to open the details view.
      3. Select the specific release and click Add to add the specific software to the Download Manager. Note: This feature is not currently available for VMware products.
      4. Proceed to the Download Manager to complete the download process.

      Access the Download Manager

      There are two ways to access the Download Manager:

      • Click the Download History widget from the Home page.
      • Click the arrow icon from the top navigation panel.

      Find the appropriate product and select the preferred download method (HTTPS, SFTP, Token).

      Q: Where is my product?

      A: The My Downloads page is specific to the selected division. Click the division drop-down menu from the top navigation panel to select the appropriate division.

      So, to decide that you want to download new software, you go to “My Downloads.” That’s where you can add a product to the things that you can download. Then, to actually download it, you have to leave “My Downloads,” and go instead to “Download History.” Got it. But, make sure the right division is selected!

    10 months ago

    I saw the headline and was thinking “He’s probably going to say HP, because that’s always been true; or maybe Oracle because they’re almost as bad. But he’s wrong, because he’s probably not seen Broadcom’s site.”

    He nailed it.

    Like this article, I went to download my free copy of VMware Workstation Pro. Excitement!

    I spent two hours bouncing around between VMWare and Broadcom pointing at each other, saying “it’s in the other castle.” Finally - FINALLY - I found a note that said I’d need to login.

    No problem. I have a VMWare account.

    Nope. Sorry VMWare customer, you’re SOL. You need to create a NEW Broadcom account. And we’re not going to tell you how.

    Fuck you Broadcom. You have made the worst site in 35 years of the www. Congratulations.