State, which just had its hottest year since 1895, will ban offshore wind power, boost natural gas and reduce gas pipeline rules
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Yes. My mother and sister are pretty damn stupid.
Sorry to hear that.
The voting block is retirees who only have maybe 10 years left to live at max. They don’t give a fuck what happens long term so long as they can own the libs.
He’ll be a senator next FML.
It must be the lead in the pipes.
Close, it’s the lead (poisoning) in the Boomers.
Can’t wait to visit beach towns on the southern border of Georgia
State literally sinking into the ocean, insurance companies fleeing because they can’t make money due to storms of the century happening yearly, but yeah can’t be climate change, that’d be silly.
Ron DeSantis: We’re going to start a new life… 🎶under the sea🎶
I’m actually for this. With their home insurance marked on the verge of collapse and thus their housing market, I kind of just want to watch it all burn at this point. I only ask that we withhold any federal aid and disaster relief when they get shit on by mother nature.
That would be cruel to the people hit by a natural Desaster, people that might not be on board with this law at all.
Further it would just give the right wings nuts a reason to point to how evil Democrats are.
I instead propose to create a safety fund on the federal level that can be used to support states hit by natural Desaster. Just call it something realy obvious, like the “Climate Change Damge Mitigation Fund”. Make it a requirement that states publicly announce how much money they are asking for from said fund.
I too feel bad for the few who see that this is a bad policy but what you’re suggesting is basically what they’re already doing and no matter what we call the fund it’s just going to be enabling poor policy makers to keep doing what they do.
The people voted this way. It’s only sad for a tiny minority of people living in Florida AND reality.
Not a tiny minority
It doesn’t matter if you believe in climate change.
Climate change believes in you!
So…“LALALALA! I CANT HEAR YOU” Is this guy’s plan…
The seas can’t rise fast enough. Someone needs to start carpet bombing the pythons and gators and feral pigs with growth hormones.
I like you.
You’re my favorite person rn.
LOL, Gov. Clownboots should sign a law that makes ocean acidification illegal before Miami collapses into the sea.
Definitely the most pressing problem in Florida right now. Absolutely.
it is just a matter of time before the entire property insurance industry in Florida collapses.
The stupid ass Republicans can deny climate change all they want; the insurance industry believes in it and knows what’s coming
Property insurance? Florida as a whole is about to be completely underwater, potentially within a matter of decades. They’ve got bigger problems than property insurance.
Florida as a whole is about to be completely underwater
FYI, the north-central Florida is literally the foothills of the Appalachian mountains.
Not completely. Hyperbole kills rational thought.
Ron DeSantis went to Harvard and has the critical thinking skills of someone who bought his degree from Harvard.
Climate scientist predict the planet will heat up to 3 degrees more. And this dum dum is thinking he can swat it away if people just don’t talk about it.
The angry mobs will come for him eventually
This is worse than the idea of putting giant ice cubes in the ocean.
Henceforth, in Florida, climate change will now be referred to as 🔥The doom that must not be named🔥
There, way less scary now.
It’s that “if I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist” mentality. My cat acts like that, because she gets surprised every time something comes back into view and still exists.