• @kvasir476
    194 months ago

    FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) who conducted the “study” cited in the article are considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • El Barto
    34 months ago

    Check out the posting history of OP. It’s part of a Russian or Chinese propaganda machine.


    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      04 months ago

      They don’t pay taxes anyway, since they work under the table. But that’s not a reason to put them in jail, that’s a reason to make them citizens, or at least legal immigrants. Bring us your hungry, your tired, your poor.

      • El Barto
        4 months ago

        They may not pay income taxes, but they can’t escape paying any taxes.

        Sales tax, rent taxes (or even property taxes for those lucky enough to buy property), transportation-related taxes, travel taxes, tolls, etc.

        That “illegal immigrants pay no taxes” claim is false.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          4 months ago

          Obviously they pay sales tax. When people are talking about them not paying taxes, they’re talking about income taxes, which is the lion’s share of taxes that average people pay. I’ve worked in industries heavily impacted by illegal immigration before, and even legal citizens often end up working under the table on those crews, because the employers are straight-up crooks. It seems to me that the best solutions are to fast-track legal status, and actually punish the employers.

          • El Barto
            4 months ago

            Nah brah. You and I may know that. But when the common folk says “illegals don’t pay them taxes” they refer to absolutely no taxes. And the GOP hasn’t corrected them i wonder why.

            And you’re absolutely right about the employers. People blaming undocumented immigrants for their struggles are focusing in the wrong target.