I hope this isn’t a repost
When I was a toddler, my dad was one of the mission control guys for the Apollo missions, and my room was decorated with NASA launch vehicle charts dad got from his work.
And I loved it. I thought rockets and space were the bee’s knees.
So I don’t personally see any issue with setting your kid up with jetfighter kitch if that’s what makes them happy.
B is for BRRRRTRRR in this family
Right, I came to say this.
There’s no B for bandit in my books because there’s no bandit in my skies.
Is this an actual thing I can order? I would totally buy it
O is for ORDERS, military or commercial
Thank you kind sir
deleted by creator
So they just slipped F in there under E without an ‘F is for’ sentence?
because F is for Fox-Two
Fuselage? Formation? Firewall? Funky Chicken?
Oh bother! I appear to be in a spot of trouble.
(This utterance has been translated by safe-speech-o-tron to conform to UN guidelines for family-friendly air-to-ground chatter.)
Contrast classic astronaut speak: 「Engine explodes and the lower half of the spacecraft drifts away」Um, we might be facing a contingency here.
Eagle One, fox two!
Gazelle Three?
S is for Sukhoi, see Bandit.
Bandit isn’t in my book I only find Brrrrt
M is for Murder