Some fans appear determined not to let this trend affect the game’s welcoming reputation, having reported that they are trying to rebuild other people’s C.A.M.P.s whenever they see them nuked, and work even harder to support newbies in other ways. Between that and Fallout 76’s existing anti-griefing measures, it’s possible that this potential uptick in malicious player activity will pass before long.
There’s no griefing in Fallout 4. Just saying…
Yeah, it’s a completely different game. What does this have anything to do with the post?
Because fAlLoUt 76 iS bAd!!! /s
That’s all that is. He was implying that 76 is bad and that 4 is better. The usual played out, whiny bandwagon bullshit.
Yeah I figured as much lmao
What does me mentioning a fallout game without grieifing have to do with a post talking about a fallout game that is currently being griefed? Doesn’t take ten points in intelligence to figure this one out.
“Oh your minecraft server got griefed? Have you tried playing this entirely different, singleplayer game? Wait, yes it is relevant to the conversation!”
Did you mistyped 76 or is this because 76 is hated by a huge chunk of players ?
No, Fallout 4 is single player. Therefore it has no griefing. Also it was recently updated to next gen graphics on console so it’s a great time to play.
aside from the griefing Bethesda is doing
Breaking every mod that makes NPC Facegen edits is definitely griefing
As a console player my experience has been great. No major bugs and we dont have mods so the updates were pretty smooth.
Yep, i played it again recently, gotta go finish all DLCs
Marcy Long is still behaving like a bitch though :-)