• @FireTower
    24 months ago

    I’m not a religious person but there is certainly a romantic ideal behind the Lockean ideals behind the symbolism. The idea that there always exists one greater judge for all dilemmas. A great framing for what could otherwise be construed as a might makes right philosophy.

    By many metrics of flag design it is lacking but its bluntness defined it. One of the better revolutionary war flags. And it is somewhat unique dodging the trend of stars and stripes.

  • @Beetschnapps
    14 months ago

    It’s hard to appreciate the history of the flag once it’s been appropriated by nazis.

    “It’s not a swastika, trust me I’m flying what was once an ancient Sanskrit symbol of peace…”

    It was once one thing… but now? It’s a fucking nazi flag. Which coincidentally also flies in grocery stores in Florida cause reasons…