I had personally been looking for a way to control my Logitech C930e Camera on Linux, but was struggeling to find something that would actually connect to the camera AND be able to adjust the levels of zoom and focus. Fortunatly I was able to stumble upon this project called Cameractrls! It’s a very simple and straight to the point software writtin in Python. If there are any additional good software like this please feel free to share below!
Edit; I tried installing LogiTunes via Bottles but it kept failing during install - glad i could find a replacement!
Why do you need a PPA? It’s packaged Debian already… https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=guvcview&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all
I normally just use the Qt V4L2 test app (descriptively named
) to check how the cam image looks, but it can’t set any camera-specific properties.Just to confirm it also works with the Logitech C930e that the OP has. This is what I use it for.
Sad it is not verified on flathub 😪