What does Scotland have?
What does Scotland have? We are only 8.3% of the UK’s population, 8.3 %! Remember!!
32% of the land area
61% of the sea area
90% of the fresh water. (There is more fresh water in loch Ness than In England and
Wales combined!)
65% of the natural gas production
96.5% of the crude oil production
47% of the open cast coal production
81% of the untapped coal reserves
62% of the timber production
46% of the total forest area
92% of the hydro electric production
40% of the wind wave and solar energy production
60% of the dairy herd
10% of the pig herd
60% of fish landings
30% of the beef herd
20% of the sheep herd
15% of the cereal holdings
20% of the potato holdings
100% of the Scottish Whisky industry.
Then add over 70% of Gin production
We have a…
17 billion pound construction industry
13 billion food and drink industry
10 billion business services industry
9.3 billion chemical services industry
9.3 billion tourism industry
7 billion financial services industry
5 billion aerospace service industry
4.5 billion whisky export industry
3.1 billion life sciences industry
Scotland still has 350 million pounds worth of textile exports
Scotland has opened it’s first Goldmine
“81% of the untapped coal reserves” It would be great if you kept it untapped . Also, lol at “100% of the Scottish wisky industry”.