• @kromem
      4 months ago

      Very briefly, in between enriching them.

      • @BluesF
        224 months ago

        And let’s be honest, not because they were fascists.

        • Aniki 🌱🌿
          94 months ago

          The US sold weapons of war to both sides until it became untenable. We’re NOT a good nation - never have been. Never will be.

            • @[email protected]
              34 months ago

              I’ll be honest our trajectory isn’t looking great

              It’s not impossible, but we’re going to need some great big ground-up restructuring if we want that to be the case.

    • Flying Squid
      124 months ago

      This nation used to kill the “wrong” fascists.

      Franco survived the war just fine.

      • prole
        4 months ago

        Right. It’s just the ones they can’t control.

        More discreet fascists be like, “why did you have to go and murder millions of people and bring the heat on us? We’ve got a good thing going here!”

    • @disguy_ovahea
      124 months ago

      We also used to be staunchly anti-Russia. Truman would be so disappointed in the current Republican Party.

      • @cmbabul
        74 months ago

        Fucking Nixon would probably be disappointed in the current GOP, he was an awful man but even a noted doctor of journalism called out how much worse they had gotten since then and that was 20 years ago

  • @twistypencil
    254 months ago

    Three people tweeted? Seriously, that is the shaming?

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    The same can be said for the far leftists here on lemmy. This post is 5 hours old and there are no comments on it. Yet any post about Biden and they salivate while climbing over one another to throw gas on that fire.

    I’ve seen others point out this fact and quite honestly- it doesn’t get enough traction.

    There are a lot of bad actors among us here on lemmy. This really needs to be addressed.

    • @Dkarma
      234 months ago

      What really needs to be addressed is the false accusations of anti semitism leveled against anyone who criticizes Israel.

        • @Maggoty
          -34 months ago

          You’re voting for someone funding and protecting a genocidal apartheid regime. And it’s not some place nobody knows about, it’s front page news.

          What do you want us to call you?

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            What do you want us to call you?

            “Responsible” would work for me. Because that’s what it takes to do the right thing for others, even when you have to plug your nose while doing it.

            “An adult” also works if it’s easier for you to spell.

            Because that’s also what it takes to have the responsibility to know that the best thing to do isn’t always going to be easiest thing to do-

            Or even what you want to do.

            • @Maggoty
              14 months ago

              Okay you’re an adult about to make yourself responsible for supporting a genocide. But I’m not sure shooting and starving civilians equals, “the best thing for others.”

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                I can’t change your inaccurate and ill informed opinions. But I CAN vote to ensure you right to have them remains intact.

    • @TheTetrapod
      194 months ago

      I think there’s a perception of preaching to the choir here. A vanishingly small percentage of Lemmy users would ever vote for Trump, and Biden is just the default other option. You don’t need to convince someone not to eat a turd, but if the other option is to just eat a smaller turd, it’s fair to focus your efforts on getting people to opt out entirely.

      FWIW, I will be voting, even though my vote is electorally useless, but I understand not wanting to cosign the actions of either septuagenarian genocide supporter.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Trump absolutely supports genocide. It’s proven. Time and again. So… Make no mistake, you’re getting genocide either way. And these people that think that withholding their vote will somehow change that are grossly mistaken. So they can either help their own country not become a fascist dictatorship (Project 2025) or they can throw a hissy fit and pretend they’re going to make a difference doing nothing.

        Not voting doesn’t cancel an election. Far from it. It just makes it easier for the conservative choice because they always how up to vote while the left/far left don’t.

        • NoIWontPickAName
          134 months ago

          Maybe the democrats should work on that problem and give someone to vote for instead of against.

          But they won’t and then they’ll blame low turnout for their lack of a good candidate

          • @[email protected]
            84 months ago

            Start lower down.

            Just “not voting” is seen as apathy, disinterest. You’re a voter who isn’t going to bother to go vote, so why chase you? Instead, they can try and win over more of the active voters, which just means shifting right.

            So you start lower on the totem pole. Presidents are (recent obvious mistakes from 2016 aside) going to be people who have been local, county, and state representatives. They matter a lot too, and it’s easier to get candidates who are more oriented to your ideals.

            Expecting change by effectively doing nothing… Well that’s not an idea I can get behind. I’m not looking forward to a civil war, I’m not looking forward to project 2025, so I’m going to vote to prevent that.

            I’m also voting for the most left leaning people on the ballot all the way from the bottom up. There are a few progressives who made it through the primary locally for me, and they are getting my vote - they have a good chance of success too, which is great.

            What I’m not going to do is stick my head in the sand and say “But that’s not good enough, I’ll just be over here” - because it won’t get good enough until it’s clear they will get the votes to succeed, and with certain people in office, the opportunity for those folks to even make it into local offices will disappear.

        • @TheTetrapod
          44 months ago

          Nothing you said disagrees with what I said. My comment was all about the impulse to abstain, not advocating abstention. My final sentence calls them both genocide supporters.

        • @Dkarma
          14 months ago

          You can just say vote Biden.

        • @Maggoty
          -14 months ago

          If we’re getting genocide either way then we should demand different options.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        That’s exactly what the agitators and such want - not to get people to vote for Trump which they know isn’t gonna happen, they just want to convince enough people not to vote against him so he wins.

      • Neato
        14 months ago

        Co-sign? People do not understand what voting is and use these dramatic phrases. It’s damage mitigation and it always has been. That’s party politics: you almost never get your first choice. Compromise is the only way. Sometimes the compromise sucks but if the alternative is far worse, you do the grown up thing and prevent the most damage.

        • @Maggoty
          -14 months ago

          There’s not much mitigation going on when the Democrats are just standing by while Republicans declare open season on minorities and immigrants.

    • Flying Squid
      144 months ago

      Based on when I’m responding to this, this post went up when it was night time for a lot of America.

      • @[email protected]
        -74 months ago

        Aannnd it’s not night time in America now… so, where’s all the outrage from the far left?

          • @barsquid
            14 months ago

            There is also no smashing of nuclei though.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            Funny. You say that “epic slams” and “rhetoric” will not curb fascism in defense of the left’s silence towards criticism of Trump-

            But there’s no stopping the “epic slams” and rhetoric about Biden- every hour of every day.

            Very curious.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      54 months ago

      Some people have others to do at 10:30 pm at night. Not you – clearly.

      • @[email protected]
        -24 months ago

        Really? This is what you have as a rebuttal? To try and insinuate that I have nothing better to do at 10:30 YOUR time than to post on lemmy?

        Looks to me like you post a lot of nonsense and antagonistic bullshit at 3 AM.

        I’d imagine some people have better things to do at that time as well.

    • @Maggoty
      04 months ago

      Because we don’t attend circle jerks.