Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02.22 по 25.05.24 (орієнтовно)

*УВАГА! У зв’язку з постійним надходженням уточнених розвідувальних даних, виникла потреба коригування деяких позицій загальних втрат противника - БпЛА оперативно-тактичного рівня. Загальна цифра скоригована, а втрати за добу подаються у звичайному режимі.

#NOMERCY #stoprussia #stopruSSiZm #stoprussicism #ВІРЮвЗСУ

| Підписатися ГШ ЗСУ | t.me/GeneralStaffZSU/14887

  • @paddirn
    179 months ago

    Just utter madness. That Russians (or anyone else fighting on their side) continue to sacrifice their lives for such a shitty cause is so mind-boggling. These numbers are close to the number of Americans killed in WW2 (405k) or in our Civil War (620k), but those lasted about twice the amount of time that this war has been going on for. Russia just spending lives like it’s nothing, and that’s who Republicans have allied themselves with?

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Don’t mix killed with casuality numbers - many of those will be wounded but still alive.

      • @Kaavi
        169 months ago

        Plus Russia had 8.7 million military deaths in WW2, so this is really just a small military operation for them.

        What is honestly most crazy is that Europe and USA can’t just give enough to Ukraine for Russia to say … Ok, we have to give up, we can’t win this.

        • @commandar
          179 months ago

          Plus Russia had 8.7 million military deaths in WW2, so this is really just a small military operation for them.

          The current casualty numbers are something like 5x the total Soviet losses over a decade in Afghanistan. That conflict was ultimately deeply unpopular and destabilizing for the Soviet Union, so I’m not sure I’d agree with characterizing it as small change for them.

          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            Yes, and that was when the Kremlin had control of the entire USSR.

            Also, Russia was having major demographic problems even before they started their barbaric invasion of their peaceful neighbor.

  • @manualoverride
    179 months ago

    I’ve been watching this graphic tick over for some time. I knew it would reach this grim milestone and I thought my feelings would be clear, but…

    I feel sorry for the forced combatants, something different for the brainwashed and something different again for the willing participants.

    I hope every Ukrainian is able to phone home tonight and let their loved ones know they are safe.

  • @[email protected]
    179 months ago

    Hey, just for comparison. How many countries currently have a standing army that’s 500,000 soldiers strong? In fact, what’s the average size of an army?

  • @Buffalox
    159 months ago

    Is there something noticeable about the numbers today? I think there is, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    • @notaviking
      9 months ago

      Special equipment just recently surpassed 2100

      • @Buffalox
        99 months ago

        Hmm yeah that could be it, I just still have that nagging feeling…

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          I keep thinking about what my city would be like if everyone just up and died in a pointless war. No idea why though… must be video games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @A_A
    9 months ago

    Mad : Half a million wounded or killed russians.

    (( GPT Translation of the body of the post :
    *ATTENTION! Due to the constant receipt of refined intelligence data, there is a need to adjust some positions of the enemy’s general losses - UAVs of the operational-tactical level. The overall figure has been corrected, and daily losses are reported in the usual manner.))