It’s time to ask some hard questions about ourselves.

  • @rdyoung
    184 months ago

    Trump hasn’t been right about anything. The things he and the rest of the maggats have been “right” about are because they say that x will happen and then they make it happen.

    Anyone who votes for trump either wants to see the world burn or has been so brainwashed that their opinions aren’t worth listening to.

    It’s time for the adults to stand up and take this country back from the nazis and fascists who want to burn it to the ground. It’s time to stop giving the maggats any mic time and we need to stop listening their ramblings.

  • @over_clox
    64 months ago

    Just a random quote from the article…

    “In 2016, Trump understood that Republican voters no longer wanted any of those things. They wanted the craziest son-of-a-bitch available.”

    Yeah, cuz that’s exactly what we need, the craziest son-of-a-bitch available… /s 🤦‍♂️

    WTF? That article and whatever MAGA nutjob(s) that wrote it should highlight exactly why Trump is the absolute last person that should be considered for running this country.

    The job of the president is to do their best to try to serve the best interest of the people of the country, and to an extent try to help allied countries as well.


  • @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    Another author that doesn’t understand. That’s understandable, most people don’t understand. We can’t analyze it intellectually, in terms of reasoning about policies and outcomes, because it’s an emotional phenomenon that bypasses the conscious mind. That is, authoritarian movements around the world use a sort of language-based ‘mind hack’ to convert people. I first learned of this from the writings of Scott Adams (the Dilbert guy), who called a Trump victory a year in advance, and explained his prediction in detail. And even though he was aware of it, this ‘mind hack’ got him, too.

    This article gives a neuropsychology spin on the same effect.

    And, hey, you can think I’m nuts, or promoting some woo-woo bullshit, but at least I have a theory that is internally consistent, explains our political situation, and even has predictive power. Compare that to the long parade of articles like this one, written by people trying to make sense of the rise of MAGA.