• @Blue_Morpho
    179 months ago

    And yet everyone keeps talking about ethical breeders and how they absolutely had to get their purebred puppy from a breeder because of reasons.

    If this was the 1980’s I could maybe accept a reason. But rescue organizations have made it incredibly easy to find whatever breed you want.

    But no, people keep buying from breeders and dogs keep getting killed.

    • @_sideffect
      49 months ago

      I agree, they over breed and then this happens

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Icelandic sheepdogs would be a hard breed to rescue I imagine. Not popular over here at all.

      • @apocalypticat
        119 months ago

        Sounds like the perfect dog for the average suburban American that never walks or steps foot near a farm. Give me 2, preferably from an ethical, organic, free-range, non-GMO, grain-free, non-allergenic breeder. The only way to get a suitable well-behaved sheep dog for my 1-bedroom luxury apartment is by furthering the cruelty of those in shelters. It simply must be done that way, to fulfill my satisfaction. /s

    • applepie
      9 months ago

      Yeah people participating in dog trade are the cancer that is causing this.

      I am not sure how shaming general population for misconduct of certain people is acceptable.

      This reminds of reperations for slavery from current peasants while ignoring the elephant in the room ie crotch fruit of slave owning families who own large sections of the economy.

      Classic fake mews misdirect to pin crimes of few on the taxpaying worker

      Disgusting shit tbh

      • @Blue_Morpho
        29 months ago

        There are arguments for situations where common people can’t affect global corporations so corporations can be blamed.

        But in this situation, pet overpopulation is directly under the control of the consumer. People buying from breeders instead of first adopting is the only problem. There are no other factors.

        • applepie
          19 months ago

          Even with corporations… people could vote with their money but there is also a strong bootlicker minority, i would posit that is takes about 20-30% of them to effectively block anything.

          So even if strong majority prefers something, these clowns along with their corpo daddies can block anything.

          Either way, just got to keep calling bad faith actors and doing the right thing yourself. Hopefully one day, enough people will do the same to make the change happen. Surely as fuck daddy sam or his corpo owners won’t do hack shit on any issue that actually maters for working losers.

          • @Blue_Morpho
            29 months ago

            ??? Breeders are entirely home businesses, not giant corporations. People buying pets from breeders do it for entertainment, not survival like food, shelter, or healthcare.

            We can criticize people that buy instead of first attempting to adopt in the same way we can criticize someone who beats their dog.

            • applepie
              19 months ago

              I am not following what you are trying to communicate.

              • @Blue_Morpho
                29 months ago

                You said, “shaming the general population for misconduct of certain people.” Then you talked about corporate boot lickers.

                This isn’t about giant corporations. This is about people who buy pets from breeders instead of adopting. The people who buy from breeders are the problem. There’s no evil corporation behind it.

                • applepie
                  39 months ago

                  You are missing the point i was making. That shiti article glosses over the crimes committed by breeders and buyers while attempting to socialize the risk and negative externalities on the general public. You should do more to save the animals, this is tour problem

                  Same way corps do, which was my original premise for comprison.

                  No, breeders and buyers either need to be taxed out of existence or just outright banned.

                  You want a dog, go to shelter and pay for it. Fuck you and your stupid hobby that’s causing suffering along with huge financial costs to society at large.

  • @grue
    69 months ago

    So what you’re saying is that the majority are not dogs, so the article should’ve been primarily focusing on the the 530,000 cats instead of ignoring them.

  • @givesomefucks
    69 months ago

    Even if you can’t adopt a dog from a shelter, they pretty much all take volunteers.

    Attend a quick 3 hourish class, and go in and walk the dogs and spend some time playing with them.

    Makes their lives a lot better, and since not all of them have been properly socialized, it helps their chances of finding a home.

    • Shawdow194
      39 months ago

      Even just visiting helps!
      Exactly, they need the socialization and you get to give some free pets - win win for everyone!

  • applepie
    9 months ago

    Dog breeders are disgusting parasites who profit from dog’s suffering followed by the other traders.

    If you buy breeds, you are also a disgusting parasite.

    About time we start calling this shit what it is and make people who cause this suffering pay for it. But really this must be stopped.

    • @mojo_raisin
      39 months ago

      Agree, feeling entitled to a whole other species to direct it’s evolution for our own purposes is wrong on it’s own*. To then let “less desirable” animals die in favor of “more desirable” for what amounts to a fashion choice for most people is sickening.

      • While we should not perpetuate the domination of other species, we should care for those animals that need our help.