{“Location”: {“Latitude”: 15.9266657, “Longitude”: 107.9650855}, “Category”: “Partners”, “Tags”: {“projectStatus”: “Ongoing”, “projectType”: “Counter-trafficking”}, “title”: “Wild animals (dead and alive) are transported along their supply chains the same way legal commodities are, and are in fact often mixed with legal cargo on trucks, commercial airlines, ships, etc. O”, “ImageLinks”: [“https://www.freeland.org/uploads/1/3/6/2/136275344/published/9c42dd-e4cf62beacb947fa9bcdedba07376ce2-mv2-d-3648-2736-s-4-2.jpg?1616350724”], “BasicData”: {“Name_Of_Org”: “Freeland”, “Country”: "Kenya, South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Turkey, Laos ", “Region”: “Vietnam”, “Primary_Conservation_Action”: "STOP Trade & Trafficking ", “Secondary_Conservation_Action”: “REDUCE Demand for Wildlife”, “Solution_Website”: “https://www.freeland.org/trainings-to-stop-wildlife-trafficking.html”, “Support_Link”: “https://friendsoffreeland.flipcause.com/hosted_widget/hostedWidgetHome/MTA4NTM5”, “Organization_Website”: “freeland.org”}, “AdditionalInfo”: {“Species_Focus”: null, “Project_Start_Date”: 2014.0, “Project_Value”: “rolling”, “Job_Opportunity_Link”: “https://www.freeland.org/work-opportunities.html jobs available”, “Impact_Tracks”: “Business Practices”, “Impact_Numbers”: null, “Lessons_Learned”: "What works: 1. Keep the training and meetings short and simple. Work around the schedules of your target audience (they are busy and usually can only spare half-day). 2. Make target audience owners of the project (affix their logo and institutionalize the training into their policy and their own training curriculum like we did with Turkish Airlines). \nWhat to do better next time: 1. Minimize controls of large donor agencies and large conservation organizations that can bring heavy restrictions and conditions that slow the process down, and/or make the trainings too long or academic. Private sector engagement requires listening to the company and keeping things on time, professional, and adaptable. "}, “Description”: {“Organization_Mission_Statement”: “Protect vulnerable wild animals, communities and ecosystems from trafficking and over-exploitation. Our Vision is a world of pristine ecosystems that is free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery”, “Problem_Statement”: "Wild animals (dead and alive) are transported along their supply chains the same way legal commodities are, and are in fact often mixed with legal cargo on trucks, commercial airlines, ships, etc. Owners ands staff working in airports, seaports, and shipping companies do not know they are unwittingly facilitating trafficking, as they do not know what to look, what is illegal, and who to report to. ", “Support_Needed”: null, “Activities_To_Solve_The_Problem”: null, “Description_Of_Solution”: “Freeland trains corporate staff to be aware of, and help prevent wildlife or human trafficking in their business area of responsibility. Staff working for airlines and airports, freight forwarders and seaports, as well as banks, hotels, and other companies are participating in Freeland training and awareness programs that create trafficking free zones. Here is one sample toolkit for the aviation industry developed by Freeland: https://www.c4cwt.org/”, “Result_And_Outcome”: "1. Airport-based staff trained by this program reported more incidences of wildlife trafficking that led to seizures. \n2. Airlines adopted new policies to monitor cargo and passengers for wildlife trafficking, and to announce their policy to passengers. "}, “ContactInfo”: {“Contact_Person”: “Steven Galster”, “Email”: “[email protected]”}}