{“Location”: {“Latitude”: 1.4419683, “Longitude”: 38.4313975}, “Category”: “Partners”, “Tags”: {“projectStatus”: “Ongoing”, “projectType”: “Counter-trafficking”}, “title”: “Criminal rings and syndicates targeting wild animals and their habitats for commercial sale operate across provincial/state and national borders to move the stolen "goods" to from source to buyer. T”, “ImageLinks”: [“https://www.freeland.org/uploads/1/3/6/2/136275344/published/9c42dd-58181dd69f0841cd97896f0b3e806a83.gif?1616350703”, “https://www.freeland.org/uploads/1/3/6/2/136275344/303994928-10166476583315641-3846021065168370691-n.jpeg”, “https://www.freeland.org/uploads/1/3/6/2/136275344/published/download.webp?1616427280”, “https://www.freeland.org/uploads/1/3/6/2/136275344/300851017-10166476583020641-2135926187966061723-n_orig.jpeg”], “BasicData”: {“Name_Of_Org”: “Freeland”, “Country”: “Kenya, Uganda, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, China, India, Brazil”, “Region”: “Kenya”, “Primary_Conservation_Action”: "STOP Trade & Trafficking ", “Secondary_Conservation_Action”: “PROTECT Nature & Wild Habitat”, “Solution_Website”: “https://www.freeland.org/trainings-to-stop-wildlife-trafficking.html”, “Support_Link”: “https://friendsoffreeland.flipcause.com/hosted_widget/hostedWidgetHome/MTA4NTM6”, “Organization_Website”: “freeland.org”}, “AdditionalInfo”: {“Species_Focus”: null, “Project_Start_Date”: 2020.0, “Project_Value”: “rolling”, “Job_Opportunity_Link”: “https://www.freeland.org/work-opportunities.html jobs available”, “Impact_Tracks”: “Other”, “Impact_Numbers”: “More than 500 officers trained in CTOC globally”, “Lessons_Learned”: "1. Some donors and governments place heavy bureaucratic restrictions on international enforcement meetings, including lengthy vetting processes. 2. Governments will send the wrong people to enforcement gatherings unless they are carefully selected through precise TORs. 3. Supervisors or senior officers of the enforcement agencies must be included in the process, or else the officer who has been trained or equipped with new information may not be enabled to put his/her benefits to use once back home. 4. NGOs should be given a space at CTOCs to present their insights, and then can be asked to leave the room once sensitive law enforcement discussions take place. "}, “Description”: {“Organization_Mission_Statement”: “Protect vulnerable wild animals, communities and ecosystems from trafficking and over-exploitation. Our Vision is a world of pristine ecosystems that is free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery”, “Problem_Statement”: "Criminal rings and syndicates targeting wild animals and their habitats for commercial sale operate across provincial/state and national borders to move the stolen "goods" to from source to buyer. This means that their illicit supply chains cross multiple agency and national jurisdictions. However, most agencies and countries do not share data on these illicit supply chains because they do not know they have data or access to data that can fill an important part of a criminal investigation puzzle. Or they are not empowered to share that data across agency or national lines. ", “Support_Needed”: null, “Activities_To_Solve_The_Problem”: null, “Description_Of_Solution”: "C-TOC convenes and empowers enforcement agencies to illuminate, analyze, and disrupt illicit supply chains involved in trafficking. Agencies and trusted officers straddling the illicit supply chain are selected and brought together to form an enforcement chain, and are trained using conventional and AI and ML techniques. ", “Result_And_Outcome”: "1. Freeland delivered CTOC training course to African and Asian enforcement officers, including the use of i2. Utilizing new data and new link analysis skills, the officers tracked down and arrested 5 men (3 Nigerians, 1 Congolese, and 1 Chinese) who are part of a major cross-continental syndicate that has been sponsoring the killing of thousands of elephants and pangolins for years. \n2. CTOC-trained officers have opened a cross-border money laundering and racketeering case against a syndicate whose criminal activities straddle 9 countries. "}, “ContactInfo”: {“Contact_Person”: “Steven Galster”, “Email”: “[email protected]”}}