They don’t care - they got rich. Thats their goal. Worst economic growth for us means the best for them. The tory’s policies exist to extract wealth from the people into the pockets of the elite
Well in that sense, they’ve been remarkably successful. Literally billions of public money gone through the VIP lane and unrepaid business loans during covid. Nearly every tax cut giving more money to the already well off and less to below average earners. Wealth inequality soaring to help them feel superior.
oversawdeliberately caused ‘worst income growth for generations’ to line their own pocketsFTFY
What?! You mean to tell me that cutting funding to various public services and cutting taxes for the rich did nothing to help the general public?!
Next thing you’ll be telling me is that trickle-down economics is a load of shite(/s for anyone who needed it)
I’d sign up to oversee ‘worst income growth for generations’ as well if it meant free cocaine.
So you can’t cut to growth? Next your tell us moral can’t be improved by beatings.
Welcome to BREXIT. Send the loser Nigel and his UKIP thugs to Moscow and tell them to stay there.
It’s not just Brexit, it’s also austerity and stealth austerity, massive and chronic cuts to public services, stagnation of minimum wage, underfunded NHS and health and social care, underinvestment, Trussonimics, waste of government money on contracts for cronies (aka the VIP lane) and of course don’t forget systematic, sustained and deliberate suppression of wages in the public sector alongside deregulation and lack of regulation in the private sector in the face of the growth of the gig economy, which is just tech companies circumventing almost all laws about workers rights. But yes, definitely Brexit too.