Kathleen Kennedy is aware that women in the “Star Wars” universe often get attacked because the fandom is mostly dominated by men.

  • @bigbadmoose
    204 months ago

    They also don’t do these women any favors with the shit writing and cookie cutter streaming formula

  • @CobblerScholar
    104 months ago

    Gender aside, shit management and writing is still shit management and writing Kathleen

  • @aeronmelon
    24 months ago

    Heath Ledger in full armor in A Knight's Tale

    Star Wars fans who want good stories and characters: “They just told me you were a shite producer. The fact that you’re a woman never came up.”

    Also, remind Kennedy that the first and biggest reason good fans hate her is because she hired a white guy …who’s also shite at his job and fucked up a lot of good things about Star Wars lore.

  • Tar_Alcaran
    14 months ago

    A lot of women in Star Wars are great actresses, saddled with bad scripts and poor writing.