Why would you visit the “conservative” section just to downvote everything? I don’t get it.

  • @morphballganon
    334 months ago

    I downvote posts if they’re idiotic.

    Communities about idiotic ideologies tend to attract idiotic posts.

  • @marcos
    284 months ago

    I’d guess most voting come from people browsing all communities. That’s how I found your post.

  • Pistcow
    244 months ago

    Because conservatism is a dog whistle for cartoon villainry.

  • @ProIsh
    224 months ago

    I did a quick scan and the more misleading and fear mongering posts are downvoted, the news type posts seem upvoted.

    Maybe be specific in asking which posts you’re concerned about getting down votes? Otherwise I’m going with my general answer here.

  • @[email protected]
    174 months ago

    Everything isn’t downvoted. Sort this community by upvotes and you’ll see there are a handful that are positive. You can do the same with the people who post here. Go to their history and sort by most positive. All of them have positive comments and posts.

    It’s the content that’s being downvoted. Not the community or the users.

  • casey is remote
    -44 months ago

    @McLoud I get the impression that this community is mostly left wingers either angrily downvoting posts, angrily downvoting comments, or angrily replying to the right wing/far right articles that get posted here. I kinda get an r/AskTrumpSupporters vibe from this community, with the exception that the right wingers here seem to be markedly more intelligent.

  • @[email protected]
    -54 months ago

    Because lemmy is small, so the natural brigading that comes from everyone being able to see all the posts means smaller/unpopular communities will have these natural downvote noise. I see this in monero, linus tech tips, communities all the time. There are people with a axe to grind, and rather then blocking a community they just want to be negative. it brings them joy, so be it.

    Lemmy would benefit from community tools, like requiring participation before votes count, or posting karma, etc.

    Growing small communities should be a priority for lemmy

    • NeuromancerM
      -134 months ago

      The problem is some of the smaller groups are the more interesting groups. Most of the news groups are nothing more than echo chambers. I love reading the self hosting forum. Seems like there is some good discussions in there.

  • Alice
    -54 months ago

    Let me ask you the same question. What do you think is the reason in your opinion ? Not starting a fight here, just want to know what you think.

    • Alice
      -104 months ago

      Sadly I kinda think this is true lol no hate on OP, I’m just saying it does feel and look that way