I recently bought a Redmi,and I skipped the setup process,since I was in a different city from my old phone and now I cant get back my photos and videos,I tried copying it on a PC from phone to phone but it doesn’t work,idk what to do

  • @Veritrax
    1029 days ago

    I’ve done a few multi-thousand photo transfers for people at work and I’ve found the “thumbnails” folder really screws up the process. Try connecting your old phone to PC, opening the DCIM folder, and transferring just the “Camera” folder to PC, then plug in the new phone and transfer it back.

  • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
    729 days ago

    for big file transfers, I suggest using ftp.

    run an ftp server on one, client on the other, and copy.

    I use Solid Explorer.

  • @themachine
    429 days ago

    Copy them to your PC first them to the new phone.

    • @KISSmyOSFeddit
      329 days ago

      I tried this with my wife’s iphone and it failed. The transfer simply stopped at some point.

      • @rdyoung
        529 days ago

        Might have to do it in chunks. On android I’ve noticed that the usb transfer speed is abysmal, you might be better off using software to sync it with your pc or nas or other phones or whatever.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    229 days ago

    At my last upgrade, the new phone asked if I wanted to get stuff from my old phone, then walked me through it. Was a pretty decent amount of data and it didn’t take all that long. As i recall, it was Bluetooth, but there was an option to use a cable.