Google Wallet takes over app duties, but it looks like Google is quitting P2P payments.

  • @[email protected]
    134 months ago

    do they think that making the consumer keep up with all these pay apps is something the average person is going to actually do? i’ll just use my fucking debit card like i have for the last few decades with no problem

    • @Squizzy
      44 months ago

      All I want from the wallet etc is to be able to store everything not only those who have partnered. Let me take a pic of my gym qr tag and store it there too.

      Samsung used to store magnetic strip info and allow for a swipe function. Genius.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        14 months ago

        Samsung Pay’s ability to work with standard terminals that didn’t support pay apps was awesome. Idk why everyone hasn’t done that already.

        • @Squizzy
          14 months ago

          Because they did not get your information, all it did was repeat the info it had in essence being your card whereas now you sign over your privacy so they can track your spending.

  • @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    I used to use the Google wallet card so much like 6-7 years ago and I think it was killed 2 years ago. I feel like Google should put more time into smaller more sustainable features

    • @Evotech
      14 months ago

      Wallet is still a thing though. I use it every day

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Oh dang maybe it was just the Google pay card that I had. I forget what the name was they were all so similar

  • @over_clox
    -14 months ago

    And people wonder why I don’t trust digital currency. It’s all bubbles, they’ll pop eventually.

    • @Specal
      24 months ago

      You can use that same argument against any currency. But you’re mistaking digital currency as being different than physical currency. A $ is a $, digital or physical they are both the same value.

      • @over_clox
        04 months ago

        And you can teach a 5 year old how to count and exchange physical currency, but you gotta read half an encyclopedia of crap to even halfway wrap your mind around cryptocurrency.

        Every article I read about crypto just gets longer and longer and more convoluted. How would I even go about simply purchasing a candybar at the store with cryptocurrency?

        Is there an ELI5 version of a crypto tutorial that might actually explain how to even spend the stuff at the store?

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          …but nobody’s talking about cryptocurrency though. Just you. Brought that up out of nowhere 😂

          • @over_clox
            04 months ago

            Guess I forgot exactly what thread I was responding to after I woke up, my bad.

            Still, honestly I don’t get how any of these digital currency exchanges are supposed to work. I couldn’t even get my bank to accept my tax return as a direct deposit, they rejected the transaction and had to send me a paper check.

            At least I know what to do with paper in hand, but digital currency of any form, I’m totally lost.

              • @over_clox
                14 months ago

                I actually installed bank computers thank you very much. Even had C3 level security clearance for a bit to do my job.

                I can’t help it that their software can’t do a simple fucking direct deposit from the IRS, I didn’t write any of their software, I have no idea how it’s supposed to work, and even the bank manager couldn’t understand why the deposit didn’t go through either.

                When I realized even the bank manager couldn’t understand it, was when I said fuck this, closed my bank account, and have stuck to physical cash ever since.

                • @Specal
                  24 months ago

                  Are you US based? US banking infrastructure is very far behind. I’m 28 and I’ve never used or seen a cheque. Been using banking apps all my life