Wow! A movie I already couldn’t stand to watch more than 30 minutes of will now be 90 minutes longer??? What a time to be alive!!! 🥳
For people who watched it: was it that bad?
It was so bad that it made me realize I could be a screenwriter.
I think what happens is Zach Snyder gets together some good ideas for characters and stories (and some pretty mockup pictures), then he uses those to sell the project. Unfortunately from there, he doesn’t or isn’t able to flush those ideas into a compelling narrative with engaging characters. Everything stays very 1 dimensional.
I suggest a hard pass to everyone.
Unfortunately, not really. If it was, it could have some schlocky entertainment value. As it is, it just doesn’t respect the audience’s time or intelligence.
doesn’t respect the audience’s /…/ intelligence
Yes, well put.
It’s not the “it’s magic, just accept it as is” (lore), it’s the ‘Im a serious sci-fi with Bollywood physics & Bollywood story, yet somehow non-Bollywood characters’ … and not even just that, but the sheer amount of that, it’s scene after scene.
There is so much of that that even if they heavily leaned in on absurd type of comedy (ie a fundamentally different movie) it still wouldn’t be good. Its like Hot Shots or Aeroplane! if taken as movies with serious and logically connected plots & screenplays.
Literally unwatchable
Nice username, do you know about [email protected] ?
What is it?
A community about The Last Airbender
Ohhh. I get your comment now 😄
One of the very few Sci fi films on which I have given up after about 30 minutes
I quite enjoyed them, you can read my thoughts about Part One and Part Two. I loved the universe Snyder has created, but the story was quite lacking. It was also clear that the violence had been pretty much censored from the original versions. I must be one of the very few people looking forward to these extended versions. 😁
Fell asleep for Part 2 if thats any indication.