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Connections Puzzle #366
Don’t forget to add two spaces after each line for your comment to format correctly!
Thanks! I also noticed apparently they don’t change the puzzles until local midnight as opposed to NY midnight so this is yesterday’s.
Indeed! New Connections, Wordle and Strands come out local midnight.
New NYT crossword comes out 10 PM NY time.
Puzzle #367
I’ve seen zero of these movies but respect to the author for not making that a prerequisite
None? :O
Now you know what to watch during the weekend!
Puzzle #367.
🟨🟨🟨🟨.This one made my eyes glaze over, but despite my fears, none of the categories required movie trivia knowledge. Still super hard to figure out category order, though.
Puzzle #367
🟩🟩🟩🟩Thought it was gonna be a stinker at first but managed to get perfect.
Right? Quite a unique set of words, but ultimately not too bad.
Puzzle #367
🟩🟪🟪🟩A swing and a miss 😆
Apparently I’m woefully ignorant of a certain location in a major city. Wth.
Puzzle #367