• BlueÆther
    3 months ago

    I would say “Why don’t these old farts just turn over and die”, but they are not that much older than I am - so it cant be an age issue. This only leaves them as bigoted arseholes - I still wish that they would turn over and die

  • @[email protected]
    123 months ago

    He described it as a waste of money and said that “flying this flag puts one group of veterans above the rest.”


    Rosendale has a history of opposing LGBTQ+ rights. Last year, he added an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act in an attempt to ban gender-affirming care for veterans. In defending that bill, he argued that trans people don’t know if “they are a man or a woman” and therefore are prone to launching “ICBM missiles” on everyone. He also opposed drag shows on military bases.

    But my legislation doesn’t put cis people above non-cis people. My legislation treats everyone equally. Except for those damned trans nutters. Hyuck hyuck.

    This guy can fuck right off.

  • @Maggoty
    93 months ago

    Seeing as he never served in the military I don’t think we really give a shit about his opinion on the VA’s flags.