Hi, is this available in rectal version?
Wait. This isn’t the rectal version?
uh shit. I’m going to have another of those visits, aren’t I?
You will need a different kind of caulk for that.
Occam’s Razor. It takes far fewer assumptions to say “it was God” than it takes to explain what science says created the universe. 😌 /s
Nice caulk
Do y’all believe in memetics?
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I’m reminded of an animated short that really insisted it wasn’t a metaphor, about a fellow building a giant puzzle embodying all of human knowledge, with a special missing piece regarding a unification theory.
His buddy who finds this all to cerebral pulls a cross-shaped piece out of his pocket and jams it in there, and points out he has dozens of this piece and we can use it as edge pieces. The short closes insisting it’s just a story about puzzles with no symbolism whatsoever.
I can’t find it online anymore, sadly, and wonder if it faded away or search just sucks now.
God forgive the author of this meme as he doesn’t know what he’s doing