Hello everyone,

Do you know how to change the color around the fields or delete them? (See screenshot circled in pink)

It all depends on the background color. I find this gray color spoils everything.

  • BluePowerM
    14 months ago

    Just a heads up for someone who happened to find this post, there’s a solution written down here: https://lemmy.world/comment/10611524

    Also a tip for OP: you can crosspost the post from the Perchance community instead if you want to post in both communities, so the post from this community will get “linked” to that post and everyone would be able to look up on the solution more easily 😄

  • alloM
    14 months ago

    Nice BluePower helped u. I definitely know what you mean tho. There are tons and tons of programs someone obviously programmed for a long time that I don’t use because I don’t agree with their ‘very gray or black and white or solid gender neutral colors with no connotations’ tailored to the masses with no customization options. I totally changed the colors on mine. I think making pictures, including ai pictures, is an artform. With music, if I want to make a beautiful song about unicorns and galloping across the starlit mesa and such, it feels wrong to do it in the drab gray editor of FL Mobile. So I’m basically blocked from making music to the quality I want until I can control the energy of the editor I’m using. Same applies here. I think the energy of the editor one is in and experiencing while making the art should be aligned or alignable with the art created and that more epic pieces along that energy are creatable this way.