Hello and sorry for the lack of posts lately, I’ve been enjoying time in the wilderness and off screens.

Please share whatever is coming up for you and don’t hesitate to ask for support from fellow women with ADHD.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    Hey! Glad you got that time to explore the wilderness.

    Work has been crazy. I have only been in my role for 2 months so I am still trying to figure out how to interact with the team. Basically, I need stuff done but am also concerned about pushing people too much. Guess I am still terrified of being called “bossy”. Beats being unemployed, lol. I got to go boogie boarding today so that was awesome.

  • rosamundi
    19 months ago

    Me starting on the diagnostics pathway has been approved by my medical insurance.

    I’m in the UK so normally I’d go via the NHS but the medical insurance I have via work has a neurodiversity pathway and my GP asked me to take that route if at all possible, as it will be quicker and easier for me.